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I backed my truck up along side of my house to gather leaves and accidently ran over my neighbor's strom drain vent. It broke, and when I went to look at the damage I noticed the drain was filled with motor oil. I believe the water that would normally accumulate in it drains directly into Galloway Creek - a few blocks to the South. It is my intent to suggest he clean it up, but what should I do if he refuses or just gives lip service?


I would just call the Environmental Protection Agency and let them handle it.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


Is your neighbor trained and equipped to clean up contaminated oil spills from surface water? "Cleaning it up" is actually a pretty technical sort of thing. What you should do is report him to the authorities for illegal disposal of waste oil. IT IS A CRIME!


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

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