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Saw left overs left at Delaware ramp today.  Good size spoonbill and 4 or so whitebass had been cleaned and left there.  Can't imagine they went down that far down river?  So if whites are up let's say to bridge by Delaware, what would you catch with? Minnows?

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Fished Blunks from the ramp down to the big hole on Sunday  then fished the top of the shoal above the ramp. White bass were nowhere to be found, I did catch a big small mouth out of the big hole but that was it. Found a 20 inch walleye on the gravel bar, dead, no idea how it got there. Water is up 2 or three feet from my March 21st trip, where I had no problem finding the whites, now it is very swift and hard to find any back eddies or fishable water aside from the big holes or top of the shoal.

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