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With all the activity this weekend, I FINALLY got to Taney this afternoon for a couple hours fishing...

I got to the water about 5:30pm and the sun was shining but the wind was up a bit below TRD. I entered at outlet 2 and noticed fishermen upstream and down and fish making it look like it was raining straight in front of me, so I headed straight in....

I had tied on one of Leonard's infamous Pine Squirrel Scullpins (olive) and had three fish on the first four casts (and it's one I tied, Leonard... :lol: .) Then the "wind knot fairy" came to visit and after 15 minutes of bull headedness, I cut that leader and tied on another with the same sculpin. It kept producing for a while, but finally the takes got a little sparse.

I was going to tie a gray mink streamer on, but found a box of streamers I was "missing" in my vest, so I tied on a leech instead. That got a bunch of takes, but I have now decided I tied it too bushy and it kept me from setting the hook. But I did manage another 3 or 4 to hand with it.

With the sun going down, my feet getting cold, and my knees getting tired, I made my way out at aroud 8pm.

All in all, 15 or so 'bows all good size, fat and way sassy! The one 12 incher was a hand full! All were in great shape and gave a good fight. Most of them were in the 14-16 inch range... nothin' to write home about, but still good fishing and good fun!

I'll be back down, if nothing happens, next Friday morning for another try at 'em....



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I was also down there. I started at 11:30 and fished the gauntlet until lunch at 2:00. I caught 22 on eggs bodacious in the seams. I've never seen so much moss before at Taney.

My friend cooked brats with onions and jalapenos at the pavillion. I brought buffalo summer sausage and cheese. Good stuff.

Back to gauntlet from 3:00-7:30. I caught 8 more on the eggs and 24 bows drifting and swinging a grayish pine squirell I received from Leonard in the last swap. Kudos again Leonard. It broke off at the knot. Did I tie any extras? Duh. No. I found a natural color rabbit leech and caught 4. Squirrel was better than rabbit. Earlier i tried an orange wooly bugger, no strikes, and a size 14 PMD grizzly crackleback, and again, no strikes. I missed a ton of fish today. It was the first day I trout fished without ever using a drift indicator.

Weather was great. Fish were hungry and fighting hard.


Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.


Heck, we coulda had a party! The Ducky family was there, from about 1 until 3:30, in new waders! :D (I don't think the Women in Waders people will be calling...I think the fleece jacket, jeans, and rain jacket kind of distracted from their ideals...) I had one on a scud, a hit on a Roo bug, and finally brought one in on an olive pine squirrel. (The scud and roo were mine, the pine squirrel Leonard's.) Mr. Ducky got skunked, but had great fun in his new duds! We were in outlet 2. Lil Ducky just splashed around the edge in his lil rubber boots from Wal-Mart. :D He said he was shuffling to help us catch fish, since we refused to do it! :lol: Apparently, it doesn't help, or he was too far away from us!

So, basically, we all need Leonard to catch fish! :lol: Way to go, oh great fly tying king Leonard! (I understand a request has been made for banana bread in May. Your wish is my command, your highness! At least, until I get really good at tying! :D)

I can bring home the trout...fry it up in a pan...and never let you forget I caught it! 'Cause I'm a woman!


Hey Terry, good to here you are out and about, and able to fish again. Just remember, ice is your friend.


No banana bread here, but I'll put some creamer in your coffee, Leonard... :goodjob:

Yep, I agree there was a LOT of moss up where I was.

As for shuffling, I can tell you I had about ten 'bows worshiping at my feet... a couple of them about 18 inches. Every time I would move forward to get closer to the fish I was casting to, they would get all excited and wiggle, giggle, and chow down... :lol: You should have been casting to let the fly drift just downstream of his feet... that's where all the fish were... :lol:

I think we should all get together, line up, and cast to each other's feet... The "lead" person will have to rotate to the tail end every 20 minutes.

Don... Sorry I didn't run into you and really sorry I didn't get there in time for brats, summer sausage, and cheese...

Russ... Yep... good to be back. I got a new wading staff at BCO (Special note for Michael: Jim paid me to take it... :P ) and found I can get around much better with it. Helps with the confidence...

I'm sure you mean ice is my friend AFTER fishing to sooth my knee... Ice and rock snot are NOT my friends on the ground... :lol:

If nothing happens, I'll be back down Friday morning. Got "family obligations" Friday night and Saturday... Maybe a couple of hours again Sunday...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


[quote} "Mr. Ducky got skunked" :huh1:

Gee! NOT true, MrDucky was simply saving his arm and his SECRET FLIES for the Benefit Tournament at Beaver. He also thought some scout was checking him out :hmmm: with the new wader to see what impact this would have on the tournament :omg:

Come Saturday MrDucky will be loaded and ready to go!!! :angry1: Those trout better watch out :O_O: .

MrDucky don't fall in if the blow the BIG HORN :blur: :blur:

"God gave fishermen expectancy, so they would never tire of throwing out a line"

MrDucky don't fall in if the blow the BIG HORN


PLEASE somebody take a video camera just in case...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


If that's the case, Mr. Ducky should be the big winner...or, in the case of the big horn blowing, the big weiner! :lol:

Conga line fishing...shuffle to the left, shuffle to the right...Shuffle off to Buffalo! Head dance instructor, Terry Beeson and "staff" (I crack myself up!)

I can bring home the trout...fry it up in a pan...and never let you forget I caught it! 'Cause I'm a woman!

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