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Paddled up to where the Finley dumps in from Hootentown, 3 Jet boats out running around, can hardly wait until the water drops and shuts those guys down. Caught some good smallies, as it would happen, two that got loose on me before I got them in were bigger than the picture fish here:


Everyone else I talked to said they were getting skunked.

I caught all but 1 fish on a Bomber 4A, Charteuse baby bass color.

Water is off color, but not muddy.


Nice pheesh!

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759





"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


What kind of water do you find most favorable for crank baits on the river? I sometimes have a hard time pulling myself away from the soft plastics.

What kind of water do you find most favorable for crank baits on the river? I sometimes have a hard time pulling myself away from the soft plastics.

Heck, I'm just the oppisite. I'v got a whole frigging bunch of plactics and just don't throw them anymore. I used to love to throw a 6 inch worm on small creeks and rivers. Had a blast. I have just got into this crankbait craze over the last few years and can't seem to shake it.

I wonder if Silver Mallard ever threw a worm on his Fly Rod?

Chief Grey Bear

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Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

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I like to throw a crank almost anytime, but the recent high water is the perfect time. Low visibility, but not muddy, fish that maybe haven't fed for a couple of days - perfect.

I like to hit the current seams, that is, where fast water flows by a slower water. Hit that with a crank that lightly tips bottom or timber and you will get bit.

In higher water I like the Bomber 4A, Rapala DT4, Strike King Series 2, Bandit 200, etc. in bright colors.

In lower, clearer water, I like the mini Fat A, Balsa Honey B, and similar ultralight cranks in more natural colors.

I need to do a river cranking article and post it on my blog, if I ever get the time.

Actually, crankin' isn't my favorite smallie technique, it's casting a big topwater fly on my 8 weight, and I like using soft jerk baits on my one spinning rod, and then there's using suspending jerkbaits in cold water and...........

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