Leonard Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 I got to the dam about 1am to meet up with the client (for a trip)... drove down into the parking and was getting geared up... alot of car.. we decided not to fish up top.... so we went down stream... with in the fish 1 hour, the biggest fish of the night was caught.. A MONSTER 26in brown..... NO KIDDING!!! wieghted in at right at 6 1/2LB caught on a olive pine squirrel... (pictures well be posted in a day or two)... the rest of the night just didnt matter.. If I was to guess a total Id say "we" caught somewhere between 35-40... WHAT A NIGHT!!! http://www.taneycomonights.com
timsfly Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 That is a nice fish to start a trip on, maybe you should be giving seminars down at the Dam. Can't wait to see the pics, those pine squirrel streamers are real good flies. Tim Homesley 23387 st. hwy 112 Cassville, Mo 65625 Roaring River State park Tim's Fly Shop www.missouritrout.com/timsflyshop
Micheal Kyle Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 great fish caught a few on the old pine squirrel aswell last night a fly thats hard to beat down in that area. To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!
Guest lbt Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 Great fish maybe Leonard and Michael should have a fish off for the ultimate night time fishing guy. Hum who should I put my money on I think that I might hedge a little and put a little on both. How many other people would like to see a fish off.
Members ozarkriverrat Posted July 7, 2007 Members Posted July 7, 2007 i wont believe anything till i see a picture or two with a tape measure next to the fish...what did you weigh the fish with?
Troutn Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 Thanks for the tips last night Rat. Perhaps i'll see you on the water before you go on your great expedition out west. Oh, the "old pine squirrel" did me just fine last night! Nathan
Members ozarkriverrat Posted July 7, 2007 Members Posted July 7, 2007 yep thats a great pattern down there. maybe well meet up before i leave.
Terry Beeson Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Lake Taneycomo where tonight the World Fly Fishing Association presents the match of the century... "Night Taney-Mania!" This is a one round, winner takes all, no holds or flies barred, fish to the end, cage match between the top two night fly fishermen in the WFFA... I'm Terry "The Taney Terror" Beeson and joining me tonight is my co-host, Duane "Ducky Fly Meister" Doty. And now (background music - AC/DC's "Thunderstruck") entering the arena... it's... MICHAEL "MEAN STRIPPIN' MACHINE" KYLE! Michael is looking fit to catch a lot of big fish tonight, eh Ducky? "That's right, Terror. Michael has that mohair look in his eye like he's ready for Leonard to go down..." Yep... and speaking of Leonard... (background music - REO Speedwagon's "Ridin' the Storm Out") Here he comes into the arena... LEONARD "THE LEADER STRETCHER" KEANEY! WHOA, Fly Meister... Leonard looks like he's ready to make a few big lips sore himself... "Yes he does... He's got that Pine Squirrel bag of tricks over his shoulder and we all know that means he's got some new flies in there that he's counting on to make the difference...." You said it, Ducky. Now the two contestants enter the water at Outlet 2 to get instructions from the referee... BUT WAIT! BOTH MEN GO AT IT RIGHT OFF THE BAT! THE BOTH CAST ACROSS THE CURRENT AT THE SAME TIME! Man these guys are ready to battle it out... "You bet, T-man. Michael has made a Powerslam cast towards rebar hoping to find a monster brown to start the night. But now Leonard has a Full Nelson drift going on in the Big Hole! And he sets the hook! He's fightin' a nice one, T-man!" Yes, he has a nice... looks like... IT IS! It's a nice brown! And looking over at Mean Machine, he's got that Dragon Claw Strip Set going on a nice fish himself! It looks like the two of them are going to start the night landing a nice big brown trout a piece, Duck-Man! "Good way to start this battle, for sure!" The fishermen are still fighting their fish! Moving up and down stream! Now they are back to back! FIGHTING THOSE BIG BROWNS! WHAT A MATCH! WHAT FISH! THIS IS GETTING REALLY EXCITING! "It sure is, Big T. It sure is!" I think Leonard is going to make that DDT move to net his first fish. Looks like Michael is getting ready for the Pile Driver net move himself. The two are battling their fish while back to back! But... wait... what's that coming up the Big Hole? What is that, Ducky? "It... looks... like...." OH NO!!!!!!! IT IS!!!!! "OH MY GAWD!!!!! IT IS!!!!!" IT'S THE GIANT MAN EATING TANEYCOMO KILLER SQUID!!!!!!!!!!! "LOOK OUT BOYS!!!!" RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!! "OH NO! TOO LATE!!!! THE SQUID HAS THEM BOTH!!! ONE IN ONE TENTACLE AND THE OTHER IN ANOTHER TENTACLE!!! IS THAT A SALT SHAKER IN THE OTHER TENTACLE?" NO, DUCKY MEISTER! THAT'S EMERIL'S ESSENCE!!! OH MY GAWD!!! HE'S EATING BOTH OF THEM AND THEIR GEAR AND THEIR FISH!!!!! LEONARD AND MICHAEL ARE TANEY TIDBITS FOR THE GIANT SQUID!!!!! "OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!" I don't know what to say, folks... One minute they were battling big browns... and the next... they're cheese on a ritz for the Taneycomo Squid... "Soon they will be nothing but squid poop.... Well, all I can say is what a match, Mr. T..." You said it, Mr. D... Well, folks... that's it from Lake Taneycomo. Be sure to join us next week for the next match of the century, at tag team match, between the "Springfield Snaggers" of Outlet 1 and the "Branson Foul-Hookers" of Outlet 2. Until next week... This is Terry "The Taney Terror..." "And Duane "Ducky Fly Meister"..." Saying good night.... and happy night fishing... TIGHT LINES, YA'LL "There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil
Leonard Posted July 7, 2007 Author Posted July 7, 2007 Terry.. now that is the funniest thing you have done in a long time.. but I dont think that was a big brown I had on... it had furry ears.. and a big flat tail... but MAN WHAT A FIGHT!!! Hey Eric.. WE HAD BOGO GRIP!! (HAPPY!) Take a look at Jeremy website sometime... www.taneycomotrout.com .. there is a few of us that knows where a big fish is every now and then... qoute from his website::Taney is crowded so expect that. With that being said, downstream seems to be less crowded with more room to fish and the fish seem to look at more flies because of less pressure. I’ve been fishing midges and eggs and catching a lot of 16-18 inch rainbows on the eggs. There are a few big browns roaming the streets down by the boat ramp so you might think about fishing downstream if you haven’t. I’m tired so I’m going to bed. If I write anymore I might start rambling about nothing. I’ll write more tomorrow when get home. One other thing before I forget, make sure you bring a rain coat because more then likely you will get wet. See you on the river!! Leonard http://www.taneycomonights.com
Micheal Kyle Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 Where do you get that stuff you had me crying that was very funny. I have to agree with what Leonard has said about fishing down below I have fished a lot down below. I can remember the first time I fished down by KOA it was about 10 years ago and I told My dad that I would never go up above any more. However I do find myself up above when it is not crowded. If I pull into the parking lot and it is packed I just turn back around and go down stream. Koa and Point Royal are awesome. lbt, I only fish at night for fun I might have a friendly competition with my friends but thats it. I consider everyone down there that fishes at night a good fisherman because it takes some skill to catch fish at night no matter if you are standing in the outlet nymphing or stripping a streamer real slow. I have seen just about everything under the sun happen down there at night and I just chalk it up to 1 or two things 1)they have no morals and ethics.2) they are just kids and have never been taught any different. When I say that I have seen it I mean over the past 15 years I have see everything here are few examples fishing with worms, power bait, cut shad, people fishing way up above the cable, people spot lighting fish to catch them, and so on to many violations to list. I have to say to my self why do I have to have a competition to prove who the best fisherman is. I'm sure there are people out there that have to be spoon fed then pass the information around freely like it is there own idea and that probably makes them feel good about their self. I for one am not that way and I am sure that no one is that way either that fishes down there at night or day a least I would hope so. Most of the stuff that I know about night fishing I have taught myself or payed close attention in the parking lot when people are talking about how they fish, try there method and it may work. I will always give credit when credit is do and I would hope that other people would do the same with out making a competition out of it. Sorry I got on my soap box but what I'm trying to say is that everyone that night fishes is probably a pretty good fisherman. There is no reason to pull a couple of guys out of the crowd and try and make them mortal enemy's with a stupid competition. Michael There To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!
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