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got down to cardiac access at around 11:30 and started fishing at about 12:00

went upstream, doing really well on scuds and midges. all the fish were really healthy and girthy. didnt really have one hole better than the other as all holes produced fish(even the slow shallow ones) did however see many aluminum gators though. but that didnt seem to bother the fish that much-it just made it difficult when you were hooked up to a fish while manuevering between canoes(happened alot) i lost count but there were probably a good 40

+ floaters that went by. anyway, i walked up past the dryfork to the s bend pilings. spotted a good brown(19 inch?) not interested so i rerigged for heavier tippet and through a new pattern(sorry, not new but new to me) that i have been messing with, which is a leech pattern and he took it first cast but my reactions were that of a tortouise and he spit it back out. that was the nicest fish i saw all day but i did manage to get a couple in the 16-17 inch neighborhood. on the way back down, i had one thing on my mind:water. i shot straight down and saw another fisherman hooking up to quite a few. low and behold its my brother, topjaw. i couldnt believe he was fishing-i mean the old lady had some tight wraps around him and he was actually fishing. fished with him a couple more hours picking up few here and few there(he had extra water) above average day considering all the river traffic. i ended up landing about 40 or so between 12:00 and 7:00





Fishing with a new pattern CP?? One that you invented and no one else knows about? just kidding! Sounds like you had a good day! Went to Feathercraft and got the supplies to tie "THE" scud you gave me. They only had two sizes of Ostrich Here, so I purchased the smaller one. Glad to hear that your brother finally broke the chains! Did you ask him if his ears were burning Saturday evening?

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org

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Fished Suicide hill on Sunday and was suprised at how many people were there. Mose were scattered about up srteam so I went down from the access to the first hole on the left with the large rock in it. Drifting a prince thru the back end of the rock hooked into a nice littel 12" rainbow. He ran alittle into the fast water but not far. Released him and went back 5 steps to where I was standing started again, this time on the front side and down thru. Couple of casts, alittle deeper each time and hooked up again. This one was bigger. never really saw him but caught the flash as it headed again in to the fast water down stream. Thought Id better follow alittle. Wound up about 15 feet away trying to lead him into the swallows but he didnt want any part of it. All of a sudden my line poped out of the water flyless. Darn. Oh well guess I"ll start tying on another and we"ll try it again. Now Im back just down stream from the rock ( about 5' ) get 2 more casts at it and some guy walks in from up stream and starts fishing the same hole. I just looked at him for a moment and said " it a big river, I'll be finished here shortly". Then he reached up and removed the i-pod head phones from his ears and told me that "the rock was a divider". WHAT, were 8' apart. I had a few choice thought but determined it would change the situation so I left and went farther down stream and found afew more in a shallow run on the right. All-in-all had a fine day with plenty of small fish, just be wary of park people with i-pod


OK, it's not Ozark waters (but it is smallie waters), but it reminds me of a time I was fishing Powerton lake near Peoria IL (excellent smallie fishery).

I'm walking the riprap, and it was a real slow day, but finally caught one. Some guy in a boat across the lake aways fires up the motor, runs over and starts casting right in front of me.

I mean come, some people are just clueless.

p.s. I don't remember if he had an iPod going or not.

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