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weather was perfect fishing was great. caught a lot with griffiths nat size 14 and multi colored glo ball. a lot of quality fish and 1 that was 3lbs.

But what i really want to know is why they insist on blowing millions of leaves into the hatchery, dont they know that leaves will float downstream. they did the same sh@t last week and it is probably the dumbest thing i have ever seen at meremac. just had to get that off my chest!! :sick:


Laziness would be my guess.

Thanks for the report.


Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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