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Well it was 18 in Cassville at the bank at 7am but I was going fishing. The wind was calm and the air was crisp to say the least. The trout were ready for some company! I had fun keeping the ice out of my eyes. The river has more big fish in it than I've ever seen. I caught 5 fish over 5lbs. I didn't even notice the cold. At 8am I could see two people up the river but before long some more started to show. Looked like about 30 in the upper part of the park. San Juan was the ticket for me today. Did see lots of people catching nice fish. Great time!!!!


Smiles are free



Fishing was very good today, lots of 3,4, and 5lb fish in the water, this one was 23" long and weighed in at 6lb, weighed it in my weigh net, caught in on a brown beetle. Caught it on my 6' 4wt bamboo, it was a lot of fun.


Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Last year there were several 10lb + fish in the river, this year 8lb is about the biggest, there are a few browns around that might go 10 or 12.

Most fish this year have been in the 3,4, and 5 lb range, there are a few 6's and 7's around. I caught several over 3 today and 1 over 5, and had one on that would have gone 6 or 7. Caught most of my fish today on small #16 oregon cheese fur bugs and 6X tippet, it was a great day, started off real nasty and rainy, just perfect and the sun finally came out about 1. A good day all in all.

If we ever get a bunch of rain there will be some big fish in the rver, they come out of the spring pool when there is a quick rise in water.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Nice fish Mr. Murdoc, I should have known what you caught it on...

I was born at night, but not last night.

Odds are with the prepared...

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