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Well everybody, I have GREAT NEWS!!!

For everyone that has been going to my classes in the past. I must say we got the location of them all. Which will be at the Shepherd of the Hills fish hatchery in the main building where they have the T.U. Meetings. We will have class on the second and forth Tuesday of every month. This should be a steady thing and I’m looking forward to it. So for everyone that was wondering when and where we were going to have class again, well now you know. It took some time getting this all arranged, but thanks to John Miller at the Hatchery we now have a great building to have class. Right next to the river and we can also have functions before class. Like on stream skills workshop, etc.

Another thing that we will do once this is up and rolling is have outings to other rivers in the areas with the flies we tied as a group.

If you would like to come to class all you need to do is let me know so I can plan ahead for class. If you don’t have a vise I have three so I can help some people out on that, but it’s a first come first serve basis. I will furnish all materials except for the basics. Which is bobbins to hold the thread, scissors, whip finisher and the most important thing the vise to hold the hook. You get to keep what you tie.

What we will tie for Febuary 12th - 26th

We will work on shad patterns for the shad kill. Since the lake turned over then that means the shad kill can happen any day now. These shad patterns will also work for warm water species so you don’t want to miss out. If you’re a beginner these classes are for you as well. You can either watch or join in. It’s really up to you.

Here's the patterns we will tie for Febuary

Davy Wotton Shad

Floating Shad

Marabou Streamer

Pencil Popper Shad

Here’s what John had to say…


Thank you for following up on the use of the Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center for fly tying classes. As I mentioned before, we will start in February 2008 and go with the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at 7pm. I am glad we will have the opportunity to provide more fish-related programs in the Conservation Center. I am looking forward to having this be a regular event.

Accept the drift.....<>>><


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I wont be aable to make them since I'm 5 hours away from there, any chance of posting a tutorial, video, etc???? cant hurt to ask, right.



Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


We won't be able to do webcast, but I will have an article on what we tied that week along with step-by-step instructions on the patterns. You'll have to go to my tying page for the tutorials and they'll probably be posted the day after class unless I’m guided and then it will be the next time i get time. But they will be there.

Accept the drift.....<>>><


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From those of us far away.... Thank you for posting that stuff...

And thanks for all the other step-by-step stuff on your web page... I've used it a ton since I started tying again a month ago...


I too, live to far away to attend classes but really look forward to the "minutes of the meetings" (i.e. recipes). Thanks in advance



From those of us that live far away, can we have the classes in St. Louis? :crywithno: just kidding

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


Flyfshn: I'll second that one.

Jeremy: Thanks for posting those fly recipes, sure make it easy for a beginner to learn some nice productive patterns to tie. Thanks again.

Dennis :)


Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


Your welcome. I'm glad to hear it. I wanted those steps to be very clear and not leave anything out. I understand as a beginner how easy it can be to not understand a step because they left out the information. It can be so frustrating sometimes. Right now I'm working on all of John Barr's patterns with step-by-step instructions and should have them all up in a week or two. These patterns are great for fishing around here or should I say anywhere.

Here lately I've been getting more into realistic patterns so I should have some of those up as well.

Accept the drift.....<>>><


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Yes, thanks a ton for posting the recipes on your site Jeremy, as I live about 6hrs away...

And would also like to say thanks for sharing, as now I get to tell the wife, I need some extra cash to buy the materials in the recipes :D

"Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise." - Norman Maclean

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