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Not to much to report except this winter fishing thing is really tuff. Started out at the end of the park using several differant colors of marabou jigs mainly pink, pink with crystal hair, black, black with crystal hair you name I used the color with no luck. Then switched up and used rooster tail and same story. I started up stream and found a couple schools of fish and switched to a light pink glo ball and had several bite but they were just nipping the fly, changed colors and nothing happend so I moved up stream again. The one thing I noticed was that they were all just under the surface and at time you could see there backs sticking out of the water, so I figured they might be feeding at the surface so I went and got my fly rod and put on a #20 caddis in tan color on and had the same results. Here it is high noon and after a one and a half drive and four hours of fishing and still no fish. I then put on one of my goto flys that when I baught it 2 years ago looked like a pale morning dun but now looks like a size 20 hunk of matted thread all but non existent hackle with two wings that look like hackle tips without the fibers on it. I casted it out with the lightest cast I could do and out of know where something took it I never even saw the fish that took it not even ten seconds into the I dropped my rod tip the fish straight lined me and I never saw my goto fly again :( I then went up stream to the chute that dumps into the deep up by the hacthery and tried a tan colored scud and thats where the day changed, on my first cast with a new fly that I had never fished before I let it swing down stream and right under the tree branchs there that hang over the stream I noticed my indecated was under but not moving that it was a snag boy I was wrong. I lifted my tip just slightly to try and free it and thats when I saw my tip bend in a way I have never saw it bend before, in fear the my knot wasn't going to hold, I played the fish a little thinking it was just a little stocker using the current to his advantage put then a got a glimps of what was going to turn out to be the biggest trout that I ever had on the end of my line. I must have faught this fish for what felt like five minutes when I decided it was time to land this big guy and get him back in the stream to fight another day. I got him close enough to net him but decided I would beach him instead once landed the fished measured out at 26 inches and must have weighed about 3-4 lbs this is the one time that I didn't have my cam to photo him so I guess this one is just going to have to be a memory, I gave her a kiss and wished her farewell and put her back in the stream to fight another day. It wasn't the best fishing that I have had only one fish in eightt hours of fishing but I was by far the biggest fish I had ever caught.

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The pool where all the splashing and sipping is really sucks. The fish are everywhere and they won't take hardly anything. A buddy of mine started throwing woolly buggers at them and caught fish. Tried the same technique a week later and nothing! Now I asked Al (he's their entomologist) from Ozark Fly Fishers what they would be eating, he didn't have a clue. He was there yesterday and sucked stomachs and seined and didn't find anything.

Been having great luck where you're talking about. SCUDS SCUDS SCUDS and the occasional glow ball in the fast shallows on both sides of the rocks in the middle. Overall though I have been fishing a double scud rig and tearing them up.



Nope I don't have a goto fly picked out yet but when I goto Montauk I do very well on elk hair caddis so much so that I tied 4 dozen of them but I am leaning towards the scud pattern now. But if anyone catches the fish that has my fly and about a foot of my tippit please return my fly :)

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