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My son and I recently were on a trip where he learned the pros and cons of barbless hooks all in one day.

Earlier in the day while casting across the stream he hung up in some low hanging limbs to which he proceeded to determine the best recourse was a couple of hefty tugs. Bad choice. The last of several pulls did dislodge the fly, but unfortunately landed it squarely, and securely in his forearm. We proceeded to the cabin where believe it or not while I was looking around for antiseptic and gauze, he proceeded to pull, or maybe I should clarify, yank the #16 hook out of his arm with the available leatherman. A band aid and a couple of ES tylenol and he was back on the water, this time with all the hooks pinched securely down. Now to come was the other lesson, the con. After several small fish and several new flies, he proceeded to hook this whopper rainbow. After the long insuing fight on his little 2wt, he landed this fish and was ready for the kodak moment. Just as the picture was being taken the monster lept for freedom. Like any good fisherman would do when the one that got away was going to actually get away, he did the only sensible thing. He went in after it. I'm sure he will take barbless over barbed from now on, but the memory that will be with him longer than the little scar on his arm, will be the dive after the monster rainbow in Arkansas.



Romans 15:13

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Absolutely. If you notice the only dry article on him is his hat. I think it took two days for that vest to dry out. The zippers will never be the same. :D


Romans 15:13

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It is DRC. I think next time when he goes to pinch his barbs down, he'll use the cotton ball test. He got hooked across the street at the park, fishing in the pool below the falls. Luckily we were staying at Gene's.


barb.jpg (macro function :D )


Romans 15:13


Exellent...and you know I am a geezer and I am not sure I would have had the Ca...es to pull that dang barb out! My hats off to the kid for sure.

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

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Me neither. I had no idea what he was up to. I was kinda feaking out trying to figure out what to do, and the next thing I knew he let out a scream :o and went jumping around the cabin. The only he said, was "don't tell mom". But of course we did.

My only encounter was with a #22 fly that stuck in my cheek. I was too embarassed to call to my buddy to come give me a hand and couldn't really see it except in the reflection of my Costa's, so I had no choice. :excl:


Romans 15:13

Me neither. I had no idea what he was up to. I was kinda feaking out trying to figure out what to do, and the next thing I knew he let out a scream :o and went jumping around the cabin. The only he said, was "don't tell mom". But of course we did.

My only encounter was with a #22 fly that stuck in my cheek. I was too embarassed to call to my buddy to come give me a hand and couldn't really see it except in the reflection of my Costa's, so I had no choice. :excl:

It's great to see your pictures and a story. Also glad to see the great support for youth and their adventures. This really makes an enjoyable posting.

Regards, Rolan


Great story.. great commentary.. nice fish!

Your son surely won the battle.. even coming away a batle wound.

You mentioned you hooked yourself in the cheek... OUCH! I have hooked myself a few times.. the worst of all times was a day at Roaring River fishing dries. I was false casting and somehow managed to bury the fly in the skin of my left wrist sort-of on the top of my hand. It was stuck good.. and it hurt bad when the line went back behind me to finish the cast after the fly was enlodged in my flesh. I could only clip the tippet.. keep casting and pretend it wasnt there for a few hours til I had the courage to get it out the hard way... by popping the barb thru and clipping it.. whether or not there is a piece of hook still in me remains to be seen.

best fishes - Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.

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