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Interesting day at beaver... I fished below parker bottoms with intentions of swinging soft hackles that i recently learned how to tie, and had NO luck on them. about 11:00 i noticed an insane hatch occurring that was off and on until i left at 3. i caught one of these tiny creatures and it was small, size 24-26ish, grayish body and wings straight off the back. The only midge that i got to work was a size 18 diamond midge (black thread and thick silver ribbing). I tried zebras and several emergers and nothing worked. I managed to pick off a few stockers, a 8" brown, and my best fish EVER at beaver, a thick 19"brown that gave me quite a fight. He was very airborne and turned a frustrating day into one of my best!


Glad to hear about your all time best fish Chase! However, you didn't mention ever using any of my sowbugs. Try those first, and if they don't work, move on to other patterns in your box. That's my routine at any rate. And you're tying your own flies now too! Cool. Keep up the good work!

PENTAX K10D PENTAX K7 PENTAX K3 PENTAX SMCP F/1.4 50mm PENTAX DA 40mm f2.8 PENTAX DA Fish-Eye 10-17mm F3.5 ED (IF) PENTAX DA 70mm F2.4 Limited PENTAX DA 21mm F3.2 AL Limited PENTAX FA 100mm F2.8 Macro PENTAX DA* 200mm f/2.8 PENTAX AF540FGZ flash PENTAX D-GB2 Grip PENTAX D-BG4 Grip



I made it out yesterday also. It was a fantastic day to fish, at least a few fish were willing to play.

I've had some pretty good luck during that hatch with a box of olive emergers that I got from Orvis (I can't find them now, though I can show you something that looks similar). They're really close to a plain olive klinkhammer. Float it dry, then close to the end of the drift give it a tug to get it just under the water film, then treat it like a soft hackle. On the days they decide to hit it, they nail it.

Other than that, I had some pretty good luck on blue poison tung nymphs. The browns in general seem to get really annoyed at it, maybe its because the color is so similar to their blue spots?. I've had some monster hits on those little things, and they seem willing to streak from distance to nail it when the sun is out.

::. JobyKSU

Tippet Breaker Extraordinaire


Thanks Joby, ill give the nymphs a try. What size do you use in these and what color is the wire ribbing on the ones you use? Also, where are you finding these browns, ive fished at beaver quite a bit, and until yesterday had only caught 2. Im not tryin to steal your honey whole, but part of the river, boat ramp, parker, ect. I appreciate it!


No honey holes for me, cpriest :) Stay below Parker and you'll start picking up some browns. Officially you'll get fewer and larger fish there, but I seem to pick up more small fish also.

I've started picking up more browns since I left the trophy management area. While I've found them in most of the same water you'd fish for 'bows, I seem to pick up a decent amount (although smaller) in deep, slack water.

As for the emergers - no wire ribbing on them at all, though since it is a midge hatch a thin silver wire ribbing could be really good, now that you mention it.

I'm using 18s, but given the size of the midges, I'd imagine that a 20 would be a bit better. I just have no subtlety and struggle setting hooks that small :wacko:

If you tie some up, let us know if they work!

::. JobyKSU

Tippet Breaker Extraordinaire


Interesting you mention the browns out of the trophy area because now that i think about it all browns ive fooled have been out of there and around parker. ill work on those midges and definately let you know.



weather sure was nice yesterday but there were quite a few people down in CnR zone i will have to explore below parker some when its busy like it was.

i caught about 6 or 7 yesterday using the ever popular blue dun midge


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