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Well, my father and I were going to make the Trip to Bennett today, but after seeing the weather report on Saturday, we figured we better get down on Sunday, otherwise we might not make it there or back on Monday. Well, got down to Bennett on Sunday morning around 6:30 and we fished the Niangua till 7:45 or so, with no luck. River was running quite well and was still murky from last weeks rains. Headed to Bennett and started right when the siren sounded. Started off right below the big dam, just upstream from the bridge with an egg pattern, no luck. Saw a few fish midging on top, so I stripped a crackleback, few hits, but no takers. Tied on several zebra midges, no luck. Finally moved up to zone one, tried several different things, still no luck, except of course a wanna be float indicator taker. Ended up moving further downstream and fished just upstream of the big dam in the wide open water, several fish getting stuff on top, tried a crackleback again, no takers, stripped several soft hackles, no takers. Tried several other dries with no luck. Finally went back down below the dam and stripped a soft hackle, finally got one taker and missed a few others. Believe it or not, other then somehow snagging a trout in back fin with a zebra midge, that was the only fish I actually caught. My dad did connect on two rainbows on a little cat hair tied jig a guy gave him here in KS, and I think for the first time trout fishing, I was outdone by my dad. Yeah, I will get you next time! :P Ended up going back to the Niangua after 4 and tried there for a bit longer, but was just running too much and was very cloudy, so we ended up calling it a day. Was a very slow day as well as everyone else seemed to experience. I'm not sure what it was, but we did not see very many fish caught by anyone anywhere. Still a nice day out and glad we were able to make it down there.

I hope everyone makes it through the weather down there today, doubt anyones down there fishing today for the last day of C & R season. Good luck to everyone this upcoming season, March will be here before we know it and yes, so will the crowds! :o

"He told us about Christ's disciples being fisherman, and we were left to assume...that all great fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman." - Norman Maclean-A River Runs Through It

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