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What a nasty subject.

If we poison it with herbicide we will pollute the water. If we cut it out, it will rob o2 from the waters with its dying roots and decomposing artifacts. It is obvious that Rockaways attempt to curb it is failing with thier little fountain system. So what should be done?

As usual, man developed this problem the minute they built a dam in the early 1900s with the construction of powersite dam. Forty years of sediment on top of the roackaway area before it was turned into a cold water lake in the fiftys didnt help much. The growth of the area and phospherus from all the septic sytems compounded with the obvious introduction of the species to start with can also be the blame.

Did you know the last time that a sediment test or any sonar graphing on a major scale of the lake was back in the 30s. When they were entertaining the thought of table rock dam? Every other lake in missouri has been tested a minimal 2 times since development. But not Taneycomo. I discovered all this from a geology study from a Little Rock Army corp of Engineers surveyer back in april of last year when I tried to see if I could get a topo map of the lake made. Wich to this date hasnt been done.

Anyway, long story short, to get rid of the hydrilla to a managable status we will have to scrape and barge out 6 feet of sediment from the original 1920s era delta to restore and modify the effects that are currently occuring. Now I dont know what strings to pull to make that happen, but if it dont, every cove and warm water area of the lake with eventually be so choked with vegetataion that it will be the end to the majority of our warm water species in Taney. From what I have observed in the last 3 decades tells me that the past 10 years has accelerated faster than the earlier 20.

Obviously, scraping 6 feet of sediment from a 2 mile section of lake would be costly. In the hundreds of millions. But the same surveyer I talked with also said that by removing powersite dam altogether and making Taneycomo obsolete would be of the best interest of both the trout and the land owners of the area. Granted it is just hypothetical in conversation purposes but what of the thought? It would dry up the hydrilla and make Taneycomo a virtual headwater of bull shoals. Twenty miles of river on top of the 18 miles of actual river of bull shoals?

As a fisherman I can see the advantages. Walleye and other species can migrate all the way to table rock dam from bull shoals, and the hydrilla will have no choice but to die on the gravel bars. The only loser will be empire electric who really dont make that much money off powersite dam anyway. Sure it might even give the branson lakfront 6 feet of extra coastal area and give rockaway closer to twenty feet, but really what harm will it do? Long beach residents have to put thier docks out another 30 feet but in the sake of the envirement is it worth it?

I am all about improving our waters, and the status quo is going to isolate Taneycomo as a weed choked trout tank. It is inevitable. I for one want something done before it is a forgotten nemisis that will be to late to handle.

As a property owner of the Lower lake I can see the changes in the diversity and can see the causes.

Not that any of our thoughts really matter or ever will be recognized by the governing factors that need to make decisions, but we need a decision to made here on the Lower Taney or our habitat will be overgrown with neglect.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


I think that controlling the milfoil/hydrilla (weeds) would be a great solution but consider this. In most cases special exceptions allowed if you got rid of the aquatic growth in taney you would see the fishing (quality, numbers ect.) decline. The reason there are no longer walleye in taney is due to the fact that they don't stock, I think taney could support a great walleye population and as for the rest of the fishing it may just be due to the lake getting older, more pressure ect. Every body of water peaks at some point and then starts to drop off. Who knows taney may recover to the lake that you remember but this just may be part of the cycle.

As for a practical solution talk to conservation. My buddy is a fisheries biologist for MDC and I am sure he could refer you to someone in this area since he works at LOTO. I have talked to MDC several times about my parents lake in Poplar Bluff (15 acres) about stocking shad ect. and just improving the quality of fish they have always been really great in helping me.


Walleye is a natural species to the white river. There shouldnt have ever been a need to stock them in Taney. In fact there were plenty of them before the introduction of Brown trout. Not that is the cause, just a timeline coincidence. (of sorts)

They dont stock bass, crappie or bluegill. And there are healthy thriving populations of those.

I read an article on this very forum that the main reason for the lack of walleye was probably because of the construction of dams and the interference of migration routes and spawn cycles. The last thing Taneycomo needs is more stocked fish. It needs self sustaining populations that dont require maintenance.

Sure, a two or three year stock plan for a new species such as Channel cat could be viable. Give them time to establish. But to stock a fish that the lake cant support without a goal to let the species support themselves is to me alot like welfare. It is like the fish tank in my living room. No spawn, just aging fish. When one dies I buy a new one. There is nothing natural about that. But it is pretty to look at though. Exactly why so much money is spent to keep trout in the lake. Because it is a trophy project to emphisize the tourist attraction. Because they are pretty to look at.

As far as vegetation, it is a fact that foriegn species can conjest and make a lake sterile. As a bass fisherman, I like to see healthy weed patches, but without something to keep them in check, a natural consumer of the product, so to speak, It will cause more ill effect than good.

Just ask anyone who has to motor in and out of it from a Rockaway Beach dock. Ask anyone trying to get up bull creek in late september when they arent running any water out of the dam. Those are issues that have only raised thier ugly heads in the past decade or so. There is no natural cycle to what we are seeing down here. Just unchecked neglect to approach the problem with even the smallest fraction of concern.

I will grant you that the guys at MDC have a solution to the problem but if they wont listen to governing municipalities like Rockaway Beach, what is the chance of joe blow citizen like myself to ever get a rise out of them. Its all about money. You can bet your life that if The Branson Lakefront had the same problem, thier wallets would get some attention.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


I get my 6 hours a day, dont everyone? Haha

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


Trav about the walleye yes there is some natural reproduction but not enough to sustain walleye as a gamefish. Look at all the lakes around here that have good walleye populations BS, Greers Ferry, Stockton, all those lakes have a small percentage of natural reproduction as the fish run up the rivers to spawn but none of them could sustain a population that would allow anglers to pursue them with success. Almost all of the walleye that we fish around here come from conservation milking the females as they run up the river. Most walleye are hatchery raised. There are exceptions such as black river, and current river as well as others but those rivers don't recieve near the pressure that these lakes around here recieve. Even if you were to knock down the powersite dam, the walleye that you would see run up to tablerock dam would be those stocked into BS lake.

As for MDC doing anything about the situation I guarantee that they would be more than willing to help if you could get some other people involved. They have always been more than helpful when I had questions about lake management ect. Remember these guys have a busy scheduel just like you and I but most of them are willing to listen and make suggestions.

You cant always assume peoples reactions sometimes you have to politely ask. I would like to see taney improved in any way possible as I enjoy fishing it the same as you and everyone else who post on this website. Give them a call, if there is anything that anglers can do to improve it post something on the website. Talk to Mr. phil about the problem he has the ability to get a lot of other anglers involved. Anyways hope this helps.


Well, As far as the walleye, or any fish for that matter. if it has no chance to be a viable self sustaining population then stocking should cease. It just a waste of money. There are lots of other species to pick from that can and will manage without being milked and coddled.

I took the advice and Called the MDC on the vegetation issue. After 5 different numbers (including 2 misdirected numbers) I ended up with nothing but a voice mail for a guy named Matt Mauch. We will see if he even returns my call.

And for the record, the only assumption I have made is that Rockaway Beach officials are trying to adress the problem. That assumption was made with the evidence that they are attempting to circulate water with fountains to slow the growth down. And that is failing.

Something tells me that if they have put in that bit of money to thier concerns then surely someone has spoke to MDC before now.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

Well, As far as the walleye, or any fish for that matter. if it has no chance to be a viable self sustaining population then stocking should cease. It just a waste of money. There are lots of other species to pick from that can and will manage without being milked and coddled.

I'm sure that motel, resort, marinas, fly shops, bait shops resturants, guides and many others would beg to differ with you.

Not to mention a large number of fishermen. Can we say that today or should it be fisherpeople?

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors


Trav do you realize that if you stopped stocking certain species that some of the world records that have been caught and recorded would never have come to be. I enjoy walleye hybrids, trout ect, I think we should be thankful that we live around an area that boasts such a wide variety of fishing and hunting for several different species. Sorry that in your opinion stocking of species such as those I mentioned should cease but as for the majority of people on this site I believe that we all love pursuing the variety of fish and game offered around here. I hope that you realize how lucky you are to live around such an awesome area. This is for sure an outdoorsmans paradise, people drive for hours to come fish and hunt in missouri. Just think you live right on the lake, most people dream of being able to walk out their back door and fish. Just a thought but it may be the perspective in which you are viewing the situation. It seems God has blessed you with being able to do all the fishing you want please enjoy it.



I dont knock the luxury I have, to fish anythime I want. I worked and earned my place in life and where I live. As could anyone else. No god "blessed" me with anything.

As far as my opinions, they are mine to have. You are free to have yours as well. But, let me put something in perspective for you. If Barry Bonds did use Roids, does his record mean any less?

Since we are talking about records and all. I dont think so. He hit them, he earned them. Its his record. Roids or not. Same goes for record sized fish. Just because they are farm raised and full of antibiotics shouldnt change the fact that it is a record.

Just because I would like see a fishery that would survive without stocking doesnt mean I think any less of the fish that are. I for one am in the hunt for the record brownie and am convinced it will come from Taney. If you have read any of my reports you would know that I am very zealous seeker of large Brown Trout. Even if I am catching them out of a giant fish bowl.

By the way, Matt from MDC did call me back but I was on the lake fishing and missed his call. I guess it is phone tag now, and I am it.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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