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Boundary Waters Last June

I didnt talk alot about our B DUB trip last june. We floated the Granite River to Saganaga Lake. This was a short 3 dayer because it was last minute and didnt have alot of time. The smallmouth bite was late due to a late spring. We started slow but after we got the hang of it after day 1 we probably averaged 10 or 12 each per day. The biggest was 18 with the average around 14 to 15 inchs.We caught some northern but could not score on walleye. Most were on the drop off edges about 10 feet off the



Ice Fishing

Went ice fishing for the first time this year with brother Buck and caught several nice crappie and and a few bass on a pond at the edge of town.




Late season Muzzleloading has been really hit and miss. Either you see nothing, or you see lots and mainly does. I had 3 bucks hanging out at about 30 yards last night, and 2 were almost shooters. I watched for about 45 minutes until they became alert, and then 3 coyotes came loping along and scared them off. Its been cold and windy for the most part. I have a hankerin to head south and fish tany and the pothole. Oh well.



Deer Cam

Heres a couple of deer camera pics of deer running around on our farm. As of now they are still alive as far as I know.



Winter Is Here

Where has the time gone.Time for some catch up. Last summer we floated the river as often as we could when it wasnt flooding. Caught lots of channels although no big ones. I think the biggest bass i caught went around 5.5 lbs. Brother Buck shot a nice buck with his bow that probably scores 130ish. The biggest gun kill was by 9 yr old Hunter George Nelson but we still have Muzzleloader season coming up this weekend. Me and Buck did do a stint in the boundary waters in June and caught some



Bad Weather

Cold and rain have made the fishing tough so far this year. Have floated the river a few times and been shed hunting some. turkey season is almost here. Im having trouble downloading pics and its really starting to tee me off. I have a new camera and even after down sizing the pics they still wont upload. Oh well I guess you wont get to see the cool eagle pic or what we found along the river one day last month. okl just a dead 8 pointer.



Trout Trip

Headed to tanycomo on the weenend of 17th and did fairly well trolling raps. Hit powersite one night and did not do anything. Had a good time. I caught a 13 and half inch crappie ice fishing today. here is a pic of steve with the biggest. I caught the first and dad caught the most. The first day anyway.



Deer Season

Last day of muzzleloader over yesterday. Finally killed a doe on the dead run after it was chased by me by brother buck and his cohorts. Passed up a couple of "almost shooters", one on the river and one on gramma mary. Lost my camera in the river so there wont be any pics for awhile. Brother got a nice one opening day, which is same one on previous post. Ducks are flying this year for a change, reminds me of the way it used to be. Dad and I and bro are knocking down a few once in a wh



Elk Hunt

Well its almost mid oct and starting to go bow hunting. Weather is warm and should be doing more fishing, but this time of year i seem to be in hunt mode. River looks great and ponds and lakes do too. Bow hunted elk last week in Sept. First 2 days were great, me and bro were really into them and had multiple encounters but didnt get off any shots. Then, the weather warmed and the elk seemed to vanish. On a scale to 10 id give it a7.5. I did float the river several times and as there wa



Flathead Pics

Heres a pic of fish, Kent and Mike are one the left and also releasing the fish. Oh yeah, Mike is the King of shed hunting.



Walleye Day

Had a multi species couple hrs today. Went out about 230 this afternoon temp close to 90. First fish a decent bass on plastic worm. Then I screwed aroung and caught a 17 inch walleye. Then caught a 3 lb cat on a curly tail jig. My next fish was a crappie. Went back out in evening and caught 2 nice whites and a bluegill. About all I needed was a carp to complete the cycle of lake viking fish. Lots of rain and the river has been up all spring and summer. Rainin again today just when it lo




Just got back from a hiking trip in Montana and Idaho. Hot days so rivers were raging and fishing sucked so not troutskys. Been awhile since blogged so Ill hit the highlights. Caught a few bass and craps. The whites were hitting great at lake viking few weeks ago and I landed the 50 plus flathead. Weather has been crap so fishing sporadic, and the mushroom huntin was so so. Just took two floats down river turk huntin and did not score, although saw plenty. If i would bother to carry a de



First Outing On Grand

Dad and I went up towards J town and fished an hour or so with night crawlers and caught five pan fryers. River is in good shape but banks were a little muddy so didnt change spots to much. Perfect condition to float. Ice fishin was concluded and ended up catching a few crappies and bass on several outings. Finally found a small shed down on the farm. Over and OUt.




Called up a yote yesterday but didnt get him. Must of seen or smelled me but he was a lucky bugger.



Ice Fishn For Big Bass

Disclaimer: The bass on ice fishing post is fake. So just seeing who figures it out before I tell them. Moral of story is dont believe everything you see or read.



Shed Hunt Number 1

Went shed huntin today with brother Buck and as usual he found the first buck. A nice matching set. To cold to go ice fishing. For me anyway.



Crapie Day

Went back out to lake on MOnday mid morning and caught probably 7 craps and a bass. Some of the crappies had some size to them.



First Fish 2008

Went out to the lake today. Temp around 50. Knocked a hole in about 3 inchs ice by dock. Had a few brief hits then finally caught 12 inch bass on a tube jig. I havnt seen many xmas trees left out by people this year, must all going artificial. Maybe i can still round up a few.



Ex Test #2

Just getting a feel for this. Seems like it will be good for journal entry on outdoor activity etc etc. Will see how gos. Hello if anyone is out there.



Experimental Blog Test #1

Hello Self: Twelve degrees in NorthMo today. Took a walk in the snow with the bow but didnt stay out long. Saw lots of sign around my stand. Should have checked the pond ice. Happy New year.



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