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Random thoughts about life and fishing

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Yesterday was the winter solstice the shortest day of the year and after the day passed we started our slow tilt back towards the sun and now everyday should be longer than the previous and I already can feel the warm sun of spring fast approaching. I do realize that we have the toughest months of winter to endure before the temperature and subsequently my spirits rise. But I always mark the winter solstice every year as a day of celebration for the beginning of a new period. It honestly hold




After two entire weeks of not fishing I finally had a chance to go this last weekend. No big trip just a trip to the Sac Trail to catch some small LM. I only fished for three hours but it was so relieving and therapeutic. For all of you that don't know about the Sac trail I will enlighten you being that the place has all but been blown out. Plus I'm sure its no secrete. When I first started going there about three years ago it was a great little local place to do some fishing. In the past



A New Hope

Well, I just received news that my truck is officially dead. The insurance guy pronounced her dead at 3:00 pm October 26, 2009. What a great little truck, it was perfect for me. Good gas mileage, just enough room, manual transmission, and of course it allowed me to haul my kayak or tandem around with me to all the great streams in southern Missouri and north Arkansas. All trucks that I have for the rest of my life will be compared to this one. It's kind of unfair, especially for the next on



What A Way To End A Fishing Trip

It's funny how even you think you couldn't possibly deal with anymore crap something comes along and throws fifty pounds of it on your shoulders. I totaled my beloved truck yesterday because apparently I'm a wreck-less, irresponsible and selfish child. No one has told me this, it's just my own feelings on the whole mess. This is the story as detailed as I can remeber at this time. I was going fishing like I do every Sunday. It has become my way to detox from the modern world and allo



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