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Starting slow

I hesitate starting something like this... I work/type/share enough now online that I'm not sure how much I'll do on a "blog"... but there is purpose for all this. There is a reason for what I do in front of the eworld. Fishing and the internet are tools given to me to share the Gospel of Jesus, the reason I continue to live and breathe. For without the relationship I have with Him, I would have no reason for this life, no foundation of why we are here, no hope for the future. I can't imagine anyone living without hope, especially in this day and age.

I'm reading the book "Jesus Freaks" put together by Voice of the Martyrs. It's an account of people through the ages giving their lives for their faith. I plan on sharing some of these stories- true accounts that will bring to reality life in the true sense.

I encourage anyone to start a blog (journal for us old timers) if it helps keeping you in the Word (which is one of my downfalls). The blog can be fishing, golfing, political or whatever.

Can you believe this fall??!! Our trip to New Mexico and the San Juan - the trees (what few there were) were in full colors there. Everything is 2-3 weeks behind. But I was telling my daughter Sara who is visiting from KC this weekend, our trees are more colorful than ever the last 2 days. We've been taking some pics- will share them later.


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