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A very busy December

This is supposed to be the "offseason" for us being in a tourist town... but it's been anything but.

Internet - trying to go wireless. I have a friend who claimed he could install routers and repeaters and cover the resort with wireless internet for us and our guests. Three weeks later, we've dropped DSL and am now on wireless only by our fingernails. It seems we have some interference or something. We might have found the problem tonight- a bad router. We're using a Linksys WRV54G router and a couple of WAP54GP access point routers (we ditched the repeaters). We've ordered a new WRV and another WAP so hoepfully this will close the gap. But it's been very trying... you don't reallize how dependant you are on something until you don't have it.

WebCams- am still looking for the perfect webcam software and video capture card to host the cams. The underwater cam is doing great- if you're in the cleaning shack looking at the monitor. Problem is... I'm dependant on someone else for the expertise. They are friends and won't take any $$$ for the work which honestly I'd rather pay and get it DONE!! Capture cards... routers... they're all way over my head and it's frustrating.

Newletter- I'm finally going to get the White River Journal out next week. Been trying to work on in between everything going on.

Brochure and other things- we've been trying to design/print a resort brochure for several months now... our last brochure is 12 years old. Also designing a logo for ozarkanglers, the resort and new catch-n-release pins for trout unlimited's c/r program. I'm not doing much of the designing but the guys who are seemed to be as busy as me.

Friends in town- the last 10 days have been hospitality time for us. Not complaining too much- they all have been dear friends and we've had a blast... but fitting it all in with Christmas programs at church, YMCA, resort dinner and fishing with everyone, it's been interesting. I see the light at the end of the tunnel- I think it will be Monday next week.

My daughter and son-in-law are coming in Friday before Christmas. Am looking forward to kicking back and sending time with the kids. Meg and Cob move back home tomorrow from C of O so all will be here for the holidays.


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