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Catching up

The "off season" for most isn't really an off season for us... if anything it seems busier than the "season" but I'm not sure what that is anymore. With all the projects here at the resort, the nice weather and great business we're having, it's been hecktic.

Still working frantically on webcams and other internet goodies... the streaming underwater video has been a challenge. We've got it on a url address at http://ozarkanglers.com/troutcam.php but as of right now it's only letting 5 people view at it at a time. Not sure if it's a router issue or something else. But it's a process... We are going to have to sell advertising on the page to help pay for expenses.

Working on rack cards for ozarkanglers.com. Want to get them out to the trout parks by opening weekend as well as other key places. I want to build up alot of traffic on different waters on the forum. Rack cards seem to be the easiest and cheapest way to do it.

As long as we're talking business, those that know we had spinning rods made a few years back - special made for jig fishing. They were one piece 6 and 7 foot rods. Well, I'm picking up the new version spin rods next Friday. I've had 4 sizes made this time and asked that they'd be alittle more softer in the tip as well as a better grade guides. They are 5-6", 6-0", 6-6" and 7-0". I expect they will sell for about $60. They will have the Lilleys' logo. Cool!

For those who know him, Jeremy Hunt is moving back to Branson. Didn't know he left you say? Well he moved down to Rim Shoals on the White River with his dad but decided he was spending all his time here (staying at the resort actually) so he's making the move back. He's getting his guides lisense and buying a boat for guiding on Taneycomo. He's still doing a fly tying class on Wednesdays at a fly shop in Cotter and still has his class here on Tuesdays.

Got out permit from the corp to add to the dock. With the permit, we can add a 24x36 building to the dock for meetings and such. We're getting estimates on materials right now. May have to wait a bit to start but it'll be a cool place to hang out. Lots of ideas for it but mainly want to resurect the TU club here as well as holding the fly tying class down there.

Church is doing well. We're kicking around the idea of having a Saturday night worship gathering. My son is a senior at College of the Ozarks and leads worship at BSU and other gatherings. There are several worship "bands" at the school so we have plenty of possibilites. Caleb's praying about starting a coffee house (a 70's throwback concept) and our church building is a perfect place for it. We're not using it except on Sundays and we're open to do whatever if it's what we should do.

Master is coming up next weekend... no not golf. I named it the masters cause I wanted it to be THE top tournament for the lake and I think that's what it is. There's some great jig fishers as well as fly fisher who fish it. It's quite a challenge to beat these guys that fish it every year. It's a ton of fun.

I can't believe how far down the lakes are. And when is it going to start raining!?!? Table Rock is going to be an interesting place for boaters and skiers this summer if it continues. Haven't been to Bull Shoals yet but it must be down around where it was a few years back when we fly fished below the dam about a mile where the lake actually riffled in places. Taney isn't going to see much in the way of generation this winter at all so flyfishers are happy and boaters- beware!! It's shallow!!!

That's caught you up for now.


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