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A friend turns 50

When we moved to Branson in 1983, we knew a couple of people - Rex Grady, a resort owner who befriended us while trying to sell us his report down on Lakeshore Dr, John logan, the realitor who sold us Rosadaro and Lulu Roman who's husband had a hair salon on the strip at the time.

We started attending a church - Branson Hill Assembly of God - where we met more people, people who became life-long friends to this day. One couple was Chuck and Terry Puckett. They had a little girl like us and went on to have 2 more... we had 3 more. We became best friends, took vacations together, changed churches together, started a church together, and yesterday by best friend turned 50. Wow! How time flies.

Chuck is the pastor of our church, Covenant Life Church. He has a pastor's heart... he helps everyone that calls, he's compassionate and patient... all the things I'm not. I've always said Chuck's there to help people who I loose patience with- I'd just as soon slap them on the third or forth go-around.

Chuck is passionate about life and about God. He has walked the walk long enough to have God's wisdom on a lot of life's situations.

The world would be a great place if everyone had a friend like Pastor Puckett :) We don't call him that cause it sounds so corny.


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