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Weekend Angler


It’s hard to believe that summer is quickly transitioning to fall. It seems like just last week I was reading an article about pre-spawn bass fishing, and now we’re winding down and looking forward to some relaxing fall fishing. If you’re like me, your daytime job prevents you from fishing as much as we’d love, and you have to become a magician of sorts to drop a line and reel ‘em in. Most rely on the weekends to find the one that got away, and that can easily lead to disaster if weather, bad luck, or other things get in your way.

With fall comes less traffic out on the water, and you can use this to your advantage. One thing I’m constantly trying to remind myself of, is to slow down my bait presentation from the hot summer burn, and give the bass something to consider. My go to bass bait has been a 7-1/2” YUM ribbon tail worm, and I prefer texas-rigged. The Bass Pro Shops 10” Tournament Series ribbon tail worm is also a favorite. In various air and water temps, different cloud cover and time of day in different lunar phases, this bait has consistently paid out keepers. YUM infuses the bait with their F2 Ferocity attractant, and the action of their tail is outstanding. I’ve found these for a buck a bag, and three bucks a bag, but worth every penny. BPS ribbon tail uses 8up Scent, which they cook into the worm. This worm is always great for bigger bass, and optimistic little guys. BPS has a great selection of color and size, and for a reasonable price, usually a pack of 9 is around two and a half.

In addition to slowing down, take time to enjoy the outdoors, and our beautiful landscape. We live in an incredibly special part of the country, and our fall colors are wondrous. Even if the fish aren’t biting, consider it a nice way to be out in fresh air, take in nature, and generally be happier. Fishing is great, but letting a bad day on the water ruin your day, or mood is silly. We can all take some time to cleanse, and immerse ourselves in nature without distractions of the material world. A bad day on the water beats a good day at work.

Get out there and hunt those bass. Take time to enjoy nature. And be good to one another.

The Bearded Tay

September 10, 2014


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