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March Business

Boy, has this month flew by. Well it's only the 22nd but it might as well be over. It may give up a few more crappies :)

It's been a good crappie season so far for me. It started early when Vince and I found a good spot on Taney just off the Landing Wall. Then we found them in Roark, which is an annual occurance for us. Been over to Cricket a couple of times and added just a few to my total. But all in all, it's been good.

I hope to get into a few whites this spring. The last 2 years haven't been good wb seasons, for alot of people, esp around Forsyth. I'll try to get over to the Spring and fish with my buddy Paul Crews one of these days. Then there's a trip over to Sooner Lake with John Johnson in April, hopefully. Way too many choices and opportunities to do them all.

Rain, not temps, will dictate fishing conditions the next week or 10 days. The forecast says 70's and even 80's but rain/thunderstorms will tell the tale. Rivers will be washed out, lakes will rise, tailwaters will see lots of generation- may be.

Last year, a heat wave in April brought crappie to the banks and whites up the rivers and onto the shoals. After a few days, it got cold and stayed cold. Some say it really screwed up the spawn. Time will tell. My fear was the same thing may happen again this year but there's no cold spell in sight- yet. But gosh, we still have more than a week of March and all of April... lots of chances for cold weather and even SNOW. Hard to believe right now.

Our online store in working, not 100% ready but functional. The home page is still stating it's a demo copy. I'm having a terrible time with the design part of this software. But I should master it in the next couple of days. But until then- go take a look. Even order something if you feel inclined. Send me an email and let me know what you think.


Better go- Sara and Josh have landed. They are making a stop here on their way from Denver to Nashville for the weekend. Josh is putting in flying hours towards his commercial pilots license.


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