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Thanksgiving '05

"Men choose a religion, but a Christian is chosen by Jesus Christ. To be a Christian means to belong to Christ. Jesus asked me to renounce even my life, to follow Him faithfully, not to hear the world even if my body must perish. I prefer to know that God, the Almighty, is with me, even if it means that the whole world is against me.

"I am in God's hands. For 45 years I have walked with the God of miracles, and His goodness is for me a shadow that protects me in His love.

"the God of Daniel, who protected his friends, protected me during my nine years in prison, and all torments changed to my good, so that I have the fulness of love and gratitude.

"of all the prophets, Jesus alone was resurrected from the dead, and He remains our living Mediator forever. I gave me life into His hands. For me, life is an opportunity to serve Him, and death is the privilege of getting to be with Him."

Pastor Mehdi Dibaj of Iran was on trial- these were the words of his defense. He and his family had converted to Christianity and he had been translating a Christian radio station's programing into his native language, Farsi. he was arrested in 1985, accused of apostasy, denying the Muslim faith. He was facing a death sentence.

He was imprisoned in a cramped hole for over 2 years, a hole so small he couldn't even stretch out his legs. While in prison, his wife was force to divorce him and remarry a Muslim.

International pressure force the Iranian gov't to release Mehdi but soon after his release, he was found beaten to death in a park near his home, his attackers were believed to be Muslim leaders.

Despite his death, his children continue to follow in the faith. Voice of the Martyre, Jesus Freaks

There are many, many stories about persecution throughout the world because of what one believes. We are blessed to live in a country where we are free to believe what we choose. That does not mean what we believe is truth though. Every man is not a god unto himself although he develops his our "religion" on how things are in this world, in this life.

There is absolute truth. There has to be for there to be meaning to this life. There is a God, one God, one way to God and that has to be through Jesus, His Son- a man who lived, died and rose from the dead (all historical factual). And if a man seeks God with a whole and true heart, he will find Him... it's a promise. Ask Him for help- He's waiting for that chance.

Have a blessed holiday with friends and family. If you feel lonely, quit thinking about yourself and focus on others in need. Go to a shelter or kitchen and help out. Do a clothes or toy drive and give to your county welfare office or Salvation Army. Ask God to direct you to a church and get involved... but beware of this- don't put your faith in people-- there are great people of God in churches and there are bad people in churches. Just be careful.


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