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Jay E

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About Jay E

  • Birthday 10/22/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Plattsmouth, Ne
  • Interests
    Fishing, hunting, have 4 horses, introducing my 4 yr old daughter to everything outdoors

Jay E's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. thought i would share what you guys are missing up north. i enjoy this site and all the helpful posts and guys willing to share. i only make it down twice a year, do more reading than posting (working on that) i took a group out ice fishing last week and was able to share with some clients not only first fish ever, first fish through the ice. i had 3 boys (12,10 &7) 2 females and 4 men. they all caught fish, it was awesome to be able to share some firsts with these folks, i hope they carry it on forever and are hooked, esp the young kids JE
  2. 10 lb Seaguar invizx here. Deep cranks (DD22) mid range 10-12 and jerkbaits. I am curious to throw the new Stren Fluorocast like MstStudent mentioned, we have it on the shelf, just have 11" of ice up here. The price is right though. I have been burnt with other brands in years past, leave a lil more tag end on my knot, usually a palomar, sometimes a clinch knot, backed my drag off a bit, could be the line, could be the adjustments, works for me. JE
  3. Jay E

    Help Please

    The spring classic at BPS will start on the 26th of Feb. the Bass Pro Extremes will be on sale and the sale will beat the combo price, both rod and reel are on sale. Both Extreme and Pro Quals come in left handed retrieve. The Carbon Light rod feels great and they compare the graphite quality to an IM9 blank, the reels are not in yet, but they will be on sale too and should be in by the Classic. I bought 2 spinning rods in the Carbon Light for my trips to the Rock and other clear water lakes. If you can make it down to the store in Council Bluffs, I would recommend stopping by the store and if we don't have a combo put together, we will match up a rod and reel combo for your liking and you can get a good feel for whatever combo. I have had Extremes for years, good outfits esp for the $$. All brands mentioned in this thread are good and like mentioned it is like Ford/Chevy. I will not be in the store opening weekend of the Classic as I have a wilderness survival course out in the boonies, but grab any associate in Bass Pro if you make it down and they will be glad to help you. if you are in the area any other time, shoot me a pm and i will meet you at the store and we can go over some options 1 on 1 Jason
  4. Hello. Great site! I was told about this site from a nice gentlemen in Bass Pro, Council Bluffs where I work part time in the fishing department, I was working the Marine dept. at the time, sold him a new SI. haha I am 35, work on Offutt AFB, civilian now, turned my greens in. Grew up fishing the Mississippi River out of Prairie du Chien Wis, fish mostly lakes now within ? miles from Omaha Ne. I have a 4 year old little fishing buddy, she has been on the Rock with me once and enjoys fishing and going fast. LOL Can't thank enough people on this site, the information on all topics is amazing from the guides to the locals who fish and so on. A couple buddies and I are headed to the Rock in a few weeks and then again to fish the Bass Pro associates tournament the end of April. I sure wish I had found this site prior to the tournament last year, we still did well though, launched out of Big Cedar and ran up to Baxter area. The lake is simply amazing, I didn't want to come home. I look forward to meeting anyone on this site, top notch group here. I run a red,white and black Skeeter ZX250 with Nebraska decals, pull up and say Hi. Jay
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