Hello. Great site! I was told about this site from a nice gentlemen in Bass Pro, Council Bluffs where I work part time in the fishing department, I was working the Marine dept. at the time, sold him a new SI. haha
I am 35, work on Offutt AFB, civilian now, turned my greens in. Grew up fishing the Mississippi River out of Prairie du Chien Wis, fish mostly lakes now within ? miles from Omaha Ne.
I have a 4 year old little fishing buddy, she has been on the Rock with me once and enjoys fishing and going fast. LOL
Can't thank enough people on this site, the information on all topics is amazing from the guides to the locals who fish and so on.
A couple buddies and I are headed to the Rock in a few weeks and then again to fish the Bass Pro associates tournament the end of April. I sure wish I had found this site prior to the tournament last year, we still did well though, launched out of Big Cedar and ran up to Baxter area. The lake is simply amazing, I didn't want to come home.
I look forward to meeting anyone on this site, top notch group here. I run a red,white and black Skeeter ZX250 with Nebraska decals, pull up and say Hi.