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Everything posted by pat

  1. Hotdawg, How are you rigging your night crawlers?...fishing on the bottom? What kind of structure/terrain are you fishing around? Is a gitzit basically a tube bait? How far up the lake will you guide? I will be around the 125 Marina in June and am around there a few times a year. Me and some buddies would like to book a trip some time. I would like to learn more about fishing the lake and have appreciated all the info that you give on Bull Shoals and the White. Thanks
  2. The mama's boy comment was meant as a joke, lighten up, and your comment to it taken out of context. There is always something lost in translation when writing. I am avid about being a good steward of our natural resources, and I guarantee you that the few fish I harvest every year have virtually no impact on populations. I don't know if you were implying something about me. Fair enough. It is probably safe to assume that you have more knowledge about the lake than I do. If it is in a rebuilding stage I will keep that in mind if I ever go down there. What size do you consider a trophy bass?.........and where can I find them.....that was meant as a joke too. I am just amazed at the reaction to this seemingly good-willed man who rarely fishes the lake and has a very minimal impact on the fishery compared to all the guides and fish they harvest. I am all about hearing and listening to your opinions, as I stated earlier.
  3. Thanks for the info everyone. I appreciate your willingness to share what lures you use. I will let everyone know which ones I tried when I go down in June and if I had any success. RLTW
  4. First I would like to thank all the Guides for the info that they offer up on here. Maybe you could inform, rather than just vent your anger. Do you have some hard statistics to back up what you are complaining about? If so, you are venting your anger at the wrong person. If you haven't already, you should take your facts and petition the MDC for a fishing regulation change. There seems to be a conflict in fishing mentality. I grew up fishing in Alaska, Washington and now live in Missouri. We fished because we enjoyed it and because it put food on the table. A man is responsible for providing for his family, whether it is food, shelter or clothing. Man is born with a natural born aggressiveness that draws him into the wild to kill a deer or catch some fish to provide that food. Tell me your a man and argue that, then I'll say you must be a mama's boy, LOL. I rarely catch a limit of fish when I go out, but I keep legal fish when I catch them, regardless of size. I can't tell much of a difference in the taste of Crappie, Walleye, Bass, etc. I also know there are many people who consider Bass a trash fish. The lake is there to serve a diverse set of needs and all of them bring in income to support jobs and habitat. It sounds to me like some of you may have tunnel vision and it's your way or the highway. If I am wrong correct me, you don't need to rant and rave. If you have some evidence and facts (not just your personal opinion) for the need to only catch and release fish, show it to all of us who are ignorant. There are some pretty broad statements in there so you don't need to pick and choose based on your specific comment. Convince rather than convict. It is apparent the man and his son meant no ill will toward anyone or their fishery. I have to say I am a bit puzzled by your responses. I am certain if you changed your tone you would change some minds. Tony Hopson Wild at Heart RLTW
  5. The only place I could find something similar is at an online store based out of NE Arkansas, but they don't have that color. Do any stores carry those grubs? Thanks for the info. I will be down there in June for a week and wanted to give the grubs a try.
  6. If you could pick 3 colors/Brands/size of grubs what would they be? What brand/weight/type of jighead do you prefer?
  7. I appreciate all the information offered up on here, so here is what I had success with fishing last weekend. Me and my future brother'n'law fished for 2 days from morning till night. We had good luck in the morning on rebel topwater baits. Color didn't seem to matter, hooked a lot of kentuckies. Tried a variety of stuff during the day, only really did good on a Texas rigged zoom, june bug color, 6 inch finesse worm. 3/4 to all the way back in creeks. Tried for Walleye around main lake timbered bluffs to where they transitioned to shallow water. We fished with stickbaits last 2 hours of dark. Only managed 2 keeper walleye and at one point the smallmouth were really hitting the clown rogue. There didn't seem to be any concentration of walleye, just one here and there. No fish on the wiggle wart or any cranks. Fished jig and grub a little but no bites. I caught the most keepers I have ever caught on the lake. Second day was the best; 9 keeper bass, 1 keeper walleye, and a catfish. Probably not near as good as all you locals, but I am out of practice from my time in the military. It is slowly coming back. Just wanted to share some info. Does anyone fish with grubs at night? Does anyone know a good source to buy minnows with to fish at night? I will be back down in June with the family, so I will be fishing while they are sleeping (morning and night). Thanks, Pat
  8. Hotdawg, I fished from thursday to sunday twice a day for about 2 hours at a time. I think I tried everything in my tackle box (suspending rogue, finesse worms, jigs, crankbaits, etc...) and every type of structure I could think of. I didn't get a bite all weekend! That has to be first for me; I stayed mainly in the Trimble creek arm and Buck creek. Does fishing vary that much from arm to arm? I figured that all the creek arms would be holding good numbers of fish. I stay at my Father in law's house and try to just fish close by. Would it be worth my time to launch at another location or fish creek arm farther away? I'll be down in late April with some buddies for the weekend. Hopefully we'll catch something then. Does color really make a huge difference with stick baits? thanks, Pat
  9. Hotdawg, I'm staying down here near the 125 Marina. Fished for 2 hours this morning and 2 hours this afternoon. I was hoping for some advice; in 4 hours of fishing I didn't even get a bite. Here's what I tried: Suspending Rogue (about half the time), 4 to 6 inch plastic worms, flat sided crankbait, spoon. I fished most of the time in the trimble creek arm (around some points and just along various shoreline types) and on the main lake just outside trimble creek (off of a bluff with cedar trees). Any advice would be appreciated. I'll be down here until Monday Afternoon. Thanks, Pat
  10. Does anyone have any good tips for fishing at Night? I would like to use artificial lures and haven't had any luck with this on Bull Shoals. I am coming down thursday for the weekend and will be around the 125 Marina. Advice on any and all fish would be appreciated. I'll let you all know how I did when I get back. Thanks, Pat
  11. Bill, Thanks for the info. I'll be down there in a couple of weeks by the 125 Marina. I'll let you know how we do. Probably nothing compared to what you're pulling in. You catch more bass in the middle of winter than I do during the warm months. Thanks, Pat
  12. I'm fairly new to the forum and fishing Bull Shoals. Still trying to find out how to consistently catch fish. What type/size of line are you fishing in your presentation (stickbait, plastics, etc.)? Thanks, Pat
  13. Hotdawg, Just wanted to thank you for the tips you gave me a couple weeks ago for fishing the White. My buddies and I averaged about 15-30 fish per person per day (depending on the person). I fished with frozen shad all day and landed a 5 pound Bow and caught and released a couple nice browns. My buddies mainly fished with white and yellow power eggs and did well on those. We mainly fished from the park to gastons. I appreciate all the information you offer up on here. Pat
  14. pat

    How's The Fishing?

    Where do you buy those and how are you fishing them (drifting on bottom/jigging)?
  15. I am coming down from Kansas City to fish in Friday and Saturday to fish with 5 or 6 buddies. We will be fishing with spinning gear from a boat and some from the bank; probably putting in at the state park. Has anyone been fishing recently that can give some advice? Spots to try? Lures to try? I have fished the river several times so I'm somewhat familiar with landmarks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat
  16. HotDawg, Sounds like an awesome time, my buddies are ready to go. I will be trying out the information you gave me the other day next Friday and Saturday. Pat
  17. I am new to this forum and was looking for information on fishing around the trimble creek arm. I am originally from Washington State and fished mainly for bass with plastic worm. I have been fishing there quite a few times, but have not had any consistent success. If anybody fishes around trimble creek could you give me some advice. I am fairly familiar with this creek arm but have not really fished outside of it. I will be down there at the end of april with my brother in law's. We are looking to catch any and all fish, would like to hook into some walleye. Could you refer me to specific points/coves and water depths to fish. What types of lures. I was thinking of trying drop shot or wacky rigging. Thanks
  18. pat

    Fishing With Shad

    Thanks Hotdawg, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I just have one more for you. Do you know anyone else that sales frozen shad? I will be coming up from the south and launching at White Hole.
  19. pat

    Fishing With Shad

    I am not quite following you on hooking the shad. Is the eye of the hook pointing away from the tail or towards it? Do they sell live or frozen shad at Big Red's (I haven't had good luck with frozen shad before)?
  20. I am new to this forum and wanted to get some information on fishing the White River. I am fishing with spinning gear and will be down there in about a week on a fishing trip with some guys. I have fished the river several times and am still learning the techniques. I usually just use the White River Rig to drift down the river. Does anyone have any suggestions for what knots are best when tying this setup? What is the best bait to use during a shad kill? If using real shad what is the best way to go about getting them? I have seen prepackaged shad in the store (vacuum sealed), do these work well? What is the best hook/line/weight setup for fishing with shad? Does anyone know how to convert CFS flows to the number of generators? Sorry if some of this information has already been posted, if so could you just direct me to when/where it was addressed. Thanks
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