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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Huckfinn

  1. good selection on the black and brown because that is what the real thing looks like. You must know your fishin bait Im tellin ya that we did really well with them Hellgrammite's that day I took a stringer full of differnt fish that day anything will hit them
  2. Hey guys Im gonna buy a minnow trap, and I was wandering what would be a good bait for the minnows ? Never had one before, Huck.
  3. Yeah I have used the real Hellgrammite, Me and my fishin buddie when I was a kid went to Caplinger and used a down stream net and he took a rock rake and scratched the rocks in front of me up stream and I caught them in the net down stream and we had our bait for the day and I caught a 13 pd. Flat head that day. But your talkin about a fake one. No never have used one . What does it look like?
  4. How about it boy's, headed to Taylor's Bridge Sat. Im thinkin that they mite be running up in that neighborhood this Sat. The fish that is... Gonna take my son and daughter and my niease and nephew and my sister. they all can't wait poor kids they have been all couped up all winter long. They have been bouncein off the walls in that house time to get out and explore!!! get some dirt under the nails. And fish guts on your hands, you guys know what im talkin about My son is big on touching their eye's and looks down their mouth. He just wants to figure it all out for himself cant blame him... he is just like me. Well he caught bigger crappie than me last year so why not take him? Good luke everbody needs it when fishing. So gonna take worms and minniows and some cut up perch that is stinkin real good by now!!! ewwwwh its ripe boys... they like it like that though. Can't say that im a river monster slayer because this will be my secound time river fishing so I dont have that much exsperance but I will wing it any help on river fishing would help ??? Come on guys help a brother out its for the KIDS... So if you feel like chattin with me let me know something I dont know about river fishin Huck...
  5. Thanks Straw Hat your the best!!! Your good at this surfing the web... better then I. Im gonna give it a go Maybe the Stockton fish will hold off until I get back. They mite be in full swing in 2 weeks though. Huck
  6. I have planned a fishing trip not this weekend but the next to Shell Knob were the Kings river flows into Table Rock Lake. Wandering if you have ever been down there? Or if you have fished there before seen that they are pullin nice crappie out of there, already. I plan on camping in a tent and staying all weekend. Is there any good fishin holes from the bank? I hear it is really nice down there. Huck
  7. Well have'nt made it to Stockton but went to Fellows Lake and caught 21 crappie but only 2 were keepers... And today caught 5 and brought 2 home as well. At Fellows 2 is there limit. Need to get back to Stockton home sweet home. Huck
  8. Calm down boys! You got Buck fever! I mean fish fever... I fished Fellows lake yesterday their not budgeing the fish that is... So take a chill pill and settle down. Ok listen closely cast and hope for the MOST !!!!! Huck. Have fun fishin Boys just have fun...
  9. thanks WalleyeMike I will try that!! Huck
  10. Well I tried friday in all that wind! Geees it was rough. Started out at Highpoint nice and calm in the morning time thought I was gonna catch alot of fish as nice of a morning as it was. Caught nothing!!! Stayed there 3 hours and Jesse caught the only fish 14 in bass black. Moved 500 yards down to get out of that 30 mph wind at times seemed more. Had enough so we went to Masters fishin dock got out of the wind but still no fish. Did'nt even have a bite all day. Not one fish for me and my other friend but jesse caught the only one. Hey Straw Hat had troubles with my knots on my slip bobbers kept on slideing to easy and if a fish did hit it. It would just slide through. And Amanda's Knot fell off ? But Jesse had thease copper spring looking things. He put it on and it worked. He bought the takle box at a yard sale they looked like out of the 70's Do they still make them?
  11. Thought I mite try some catfishin ? Gonna go to family pond and catch some small perch and cut bait them. And let them set outside all night EUUUWWWW that smell!!! Reeeed ROBIN... YUMMM!!!!! Sorry that was the catfish talkin... Nothing ventured Nothing gained!!!! Have'nt heard anybody on here takein any cats. I know some local boys saying they are catchin some cats but i've never seen them. Caught some last year early but not this early in the year. I guess give it a shot. Huck
  12. cant go until Friday,I will be at highpoint bank fishin... wish it would hurry up and get here... Huck
  13. Im after crappie,walleye,and catfish when they are ready. I just like fishing my friend really enjoy it.
  14. Thursday looks good the low the night before is only 37, Just talk to my fishin buddy and she wants to go on friday the low on the night before is 26, thats gonna hurt us a little. Thursday 53 and friday 66,
  15. you should be able to that entrance is a good ways from that bridge...
  16. Is everbody waiting until friday to go fishing because of the fair weather? Or can the fish bite before than ? Nights are getting cold ... just had a friend bail out on me Sunday because it was'nt warm enough for her... I think I should have went with out her... I will go with anybody with a boat if they have room on board ????? Before friday because that is when she wants to go... gotta love them fair weather fisherman !!!!!! Huck.
  17. that bridge has never been closed in my life time ... so it mite be true... Huck
  18. Is it the still the same after all the weather change? I think it is but my bank fisher friend thought different so we did'nt go Sunday... Should have went in my opnion. Huck
  19. Did you mean sooner as in the morning time I usally go in the afternoon ?
  20. Great trip Straw Hat, The bite was strong when I went the other day but not so constant like you said. Sounds better now they are getting hungryer!! thats good, I have my reel ready now. I want to go so bad but I'm doing a Walnut logging job in Mt. Vernon only about 20 trees we should get done tommorrow!! So after that Im gone fishin. So all your keepers were they all right around 10 in. mine were really good size to them and thicker this year compared to last year. Glad to see that. Im thinkin all those 9 in. crappie we all caught last year are all gonna be just about right this year, and lots of them!!! I dont know how many I caught last year but it was alot!!!! My goodness its late need to get to bed, but just have fishin on the brain , Huck
  21. I know 2 different guys hiting catfish down at aldrich bridge, I went to highpoint on the bank and caught a few crappie and missed a walleye at the bank, so I would try both there close to each other. Huck
  22. Very muddy Staw Hat and drift wood was drifting by at all times... But the fish were biteing like crazy when I first got there at 1:45 and they shut off at 3:30. I wish I would have got there sooner then I did. Good luck. Catch that Walleye with the tick on its left ear !!! Set your drag I DID !!! now... Huck
  23. Went fishing today at Highpoint on the bank and fished Bobber at 4 ft. deep and caught 5 small crappie and 2 really nice keepers 14 in. and missed a nice Walleye at the bank. Had my new reel and was pullin crappie in easy but when I got that whale of a Walleye on he just took advantage of my drag not set, and when I got him to the bank he got off. I got a good look at him I think there was a tick on his left ear. Huck
  24. Straw hat I went strait to Bass Pro and got 2 of them and a new Crappie pole and reel . A Bill Dance crappie reel with trigger bottom and a $9.99 pole Im ready boys !!! let the games begin!!! Huck
  25. Just thought if the light was down 8 ft. you could just see them easier... so you dont even need a fish finder. ya know !!!funny ha ha... Huck
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