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Everything posted by Huckfinn
Oh smart mouth I see I like that Dutch, straw hat in his life time he has only seen 6 in of ice on stockton 2 times that is what my guestion was. thanks straw hat... I did'nt want to know if you wanted to die or not Dutch... Yes you would die if you fell in a quarter in of ice. they call that " Walkin on thin ice" dont do that!! We did'nt get -11 and -12 like they forcasted. Now if we got that for a week strait I would come to think that would do the trick. And then i could walk on water. What a weird feeling that is. I've been on ponds before but never Stockton. Im pretty sure Aron Crocker went Ice fishing on stockton when we were kids. So it stayed cold enough then. I did'nt go mommy would'nt let me go... Instead I had to go break ice for the cows... It was thick I had to take the spliting maul. It took for ever to get to water. Good old cows they loved me that day... And that same winter I seen some guys that owned dome-buggies. And they were driveing on ponds for fun it was really neat to watch they would slide in circles down the whole pond and slam into the bank and take off and do it again... They did'nt die that day dutch... God gives us all FAITH I thank him everday for it... Huck
thanks straw hat that a great idea !!!!! I like the sound of drop sinker and just lose it instead of the hook. Tryin to talk buddie in going soon. I can't wait!! to try new tricks.and tactics.
Has anyone here on this site ever Ice fished Stockton -10 Degrees tonight and -12 tommorrow night. Thats cold boys I have never felt that cold of weather. And If the ice was thick enough I would try it. Then I dont need a boat !!! ha ha Just curious If anyone has ever pulled the auger out and drilled any holes in stockton lake
hey, there fellows, Sorry guys I just got in from plowing snow, boy was it a blizzard!!!! I plow in springfild we did'nt get as much as you guys but Im tellin you we got enough!! That truck beat me silly. But Im done with it. Now to fishin... Walleye Mike I fish from the bank some times I have a buddie with a boat and we only go when he thinks the fish are biteing. He is good at crappie. But I want to show him how to catch Walleye. He makes fun of me for getting on here. What does he know... I like this site. very interesting stuff on here he probaly looks on here secretly and dont tell me... But we catch alot of fish together. so it all works out. Hey I did beat him last year 1 to nothing in my favor in the walleye catagory... wah huh !!! I did show him... ha ha But guys it was just one all year. there sure is room for improvement. My next question is how do you guys bounce the bottom and feel it? I hit bottom and see the slack in my line. that is how i know im on bottom. and I get snagged alot that is why i liked that knuckle head the hook is up side down from regular jigges, and their angled upward that will help me i hope I mean sink your jigg 60 feet down I cant feel it bounce on the bottom maybe a toucher rod mite help, come to think of it I have never fished 60 feet of water in my life. come on guys help me beat my fishin buddie. He's a sore loser... Ha Ha. No he really is a sore loser He even throws hissy fits... you oughta see em. Huckfinn.
See I listen to my old timers... Im very few that do in my genaration. Sure do miss my Grandpa...Thanks beagle and straw hat... Seems like you guys are some good buddies. Fishin buddies that is. So do i use jigges the guys in the dvd use Knuckle heads lead heads. and gulp 3 in. shiner minniows and stick a 2 in on top of the 3 in. What do you use? I got a crank bait too. I have only caught one walleye and it was on a minniow during the crappie feasting this spring. I usally fish around Highpoint So how far up is Ruark and chicken rock I have heard of them places. Im from Fair Play . The guys on the dvd were right on the bottom all the time is that how it is at stockton?
Well I took an old boy some wood the other day. He was from Michigan and he was all about catchin walleye. He told me he started champion boats he and his brother. And he told me that he likes going to Stockton to catch Walleye in Feb. Is this true Walleye do some kind of run in Feb. Do they do a spawn or are they just really hungry. Or is this old timer pullin my leg... I dont think he was because he showed me a stuffed one on his wall. very very nice boys I was impressed. And he even showed me what lure to use. Nice guy really. But I just dont know. Well I was fired up and went to Bass Pro and got some Crappie lures. and one Walleye lure. And so I ran into this DVD movie called Seasonal Walleye Jigging Tactics. Watched it... Learned alot about Greenbay Walleye. But they never talked about Feb. in their show. Anybody have any luck In Feb. at Stockton?????? Please let me know somethin... I dont want to freeze due to an old windy man... Ha Ha Huck...
thank you straw hat. you thr the best on this web site. It is the same as last year map and they have not come on down the lake with the brush piles. It stops at the bridge. 215 that is. Im still gonna go Sat. maybe fri. Off the bank. They gotta be hungry...
Is there any brush piles Down around highpoint yet I know last year. They did'nt come down the lake that far. And is that the only place where the fish are? And how deep are the crappie? I would like to know If the fish are up the lake out of highpoint in deeper water. Need to find a map where the brush is. I faired pretty good this spring on the crappie. But this is'nt spring this is jan. It is gonna be 54 degree's fri. and just as warm sat. Thinking about going bank fishing like to know where the Brush is around highpoint Thanks a Million Huckfinn...
Sorry Bob... I mean that to. I really missed spelled YANK! I know now how to spell it girlfriend told me to late. And I posted it not knowing... and some of the other guys had fun with it. And so I laughted at my self for being a nonspeller. I will mess up again just to let you know Im not very good at the computer thang but I can catch some fish !!! And I enjoy this sight VERY MUCH !! I look forward to getting on this everytime. I think in my opinion we have really good group of guys that dont mean know harm... to the kids. Keep it clean I got it... It was a common mistake. Sorry... HUCKFINN
Your about there Highpoint is the next boat ramp you see from Aldrich. I just went last night caught 15 keeper crappie and 2 really nice white's. Made a real good mess. Still useing minniows. I want to go tonight with my fishin buddy with the boat!!! Maybe I will see you. on the lake Were in a Terry boat with a mercury. Good luck to ya.
Sorry Predator 1 I finally got back on the computer IM Fishing down at highpoint by aldrich. Were you been fishin? I cant tell you were the honey hole is... Ha Ha... Im gonna start going out on a boat and then skip around the lake a little. See if I cant find anymore hole's good luck fishin...
Yep !! cleaning some more fish... I love doin it. I went fishing with my girl lastnight on the bank. My buddy took his girl with him and me and Emily caught 13 keepers and the couple on the boat caught 6. That ought to tell you somethin... Their hittin on the bank!!! I watched as I was pullin one in there were 4 crappie chaseing it until I pulled it up and out of the water. It was wild to see. They are in a feeding frenzy. When does this end?? I dont want it to... But all good things come to a end. gotta go eating my first fish this season !!!
yep... Im a true redneck I talk alot of slang. Have alot of family that migrated from the south. But Im not a very good speller... but I can whip ya in Basketball, or any other sport lets just say Im not a nerd !!! Im not a pencil pusher either. I work for my Dad I do lawn and tree service.
Sorry boys I spelled yank it wrong ...
Well boys Im back on the computer... Well i have to tell on myself. I was'nt wankin it. My fishin buddy had to remind me. He was tellin me what i was doing wrong. When I was getting a bite and they were just draging my bobber across the top of the water i just start reeling in. Well that was'nt working i missed alot of fish in the morning fish. He was skunking me. Did'nt have much fun missing fish all morning. So I got patient and started watching my bobber better... and I let them dance it all they wanted... but as soon as the stick on the top of the bobber went down under the water I WANKED IT !!!!!!!!!!!! Never missed one again... I hope that helps some of you that have got a little rusty. like me. I almost skunked him in the evening fish he caught only 1. to my 11. So we evened out the day. 18 keepers. Oh yeah guy's i caught my first walleye. It was a great fight I like the way they put up a fight!!! Just was'nt use to it... Caught 2 catfish 1 was 5 pounds. 1 18in white the rest were crappie. Over all i had a great day. Dont forget to WANK IT!! boys... Just dont wank their heads off there turbo...
Took the boat out to fellow's lake. And finally ran her all over that little lake. She didnt miss a beat. Thank you jesus. We have been foolin around with about everything you can think of on that Merk. Me and my buddy are thinking about starting our own outboard engine service. Its not that hard to work on them. I stuck my hand down in the water yesterday and I did'nt feel no 60 degrees!! It was freeezzzin. I dried my hand off real Fast!! Lake must be turnin over for you guys finding 60 and 64 degree water. Sorry boys Im old school my hand is my temp. gage... Ha Ha. We could'nt get anything to bite. We were only on the water for about 30 min. They make you get off the water at 7:15 Im not a big fan of that. Were waiting for Stockton to heat up. I went fishing on the bank at Stockton this Sat. and caught two largemouth right by the bank by an old stump in the water. First one was a real nice fighter. just over 15 in. other was 14 in. threw them back for walcarbass to catch later on. I thought of him when I caught them. Very health and good lookin fish they were. morels should be popin up and then the crappie soon after. they go hand in hand !!!!!!!!!!!
Lord up above shine your light down on the one's, trying to locate our fallen brothers. Be careful out there boys.
Well I took my two kids fishing. And just sat back and watch, and helped clean moss off their hooks for them and take fish off the hook off for them. I guess Im spoiling them. I did'nt have nobody do that for me. But Im a good dad. I loved seeing the joy in their face's. You should have seen my son 4 years old pulling in his biggest fish he has ever caught. A 16 in. crappie!!!! He thought he had a whale. He was a little scared at first but all I had to say to him was "get it in"!!!! Then he put on his game face, started grunting, and I mean start cranking on that little Spider-man pole and he got it to the boat. When he saw it in the boat he started jumping up and down. And saying YES!! YES!! I know how to fish now Dad. I was proud for him... We fished at our faimly own pond. And did well We caught 22 crappie all 11 in. and bigger. 4 of them 16 in. This pond is finally panning out. For 5 years all you could catch was very small crappie. There was to many in the pond. But we have been keeping small ones for years. And now !!! they have some size. Really glad to see some big ones once again But Im ready for Stockton to pick up ready for some lake fish... Should I bother feeding the pond fish my grandpa use to, but everbody laught at him. I think it was a great idea and were would you get fish food for a pond? Oh and we caught all the crappie down at the bottom of the pond. None of them hit up close to the bank. And I cleaned 3 fish that were full of eggs. So spawning is coming soon!!!!!! Get ready boys !!!
Well fellows, we got the boat fixed for 14 dollars. It was just a head gasket. and a fouled spark plug. So she's ready... Now if this weather would go back to the way it was going. But it looks like old man winter is back. But friday looks nice 65 degree's. But everyone I talked to at McDainls lake said they are catching in cloudy but calm days. I've been going on nicer days and haveing no luck. Get this old boy next to me 15 feet Just slayin crappie. So he was nice enough to give me the same lurer he was useing, and they still did not jump on my hook. But he was still just catchin them like it was nothing. I need to go to church!!! Thats my problem i need the man up stairs. Good luck to all. The fish's day's are Numbered Boys Lets go gettem!!!!
It was the Head Gasket we got her fixed were gonna test her out on fellows lake Just to be safe. And we had to change out that spark plug. And that was it, Im glad we shut her down when we did or it could have got a lot uglier.
We tried down in the flats below highpoint nothin goin down here yet. We tore up the boat. Didnt get to fish the afternoon. It was quite windy Sunday for my likeings. We just used live bait minniows. Gonna use some jeggs next time. And move up to deeper water and where them brush piles are at.
Yeah I have one for ya boy's. What does it mean when you have water leaking out your spark-plug. The top spark-plug at that. We shut her down. Knowing that cant be good. Were thinkin gasket leaking internally. But she still starts and runs. I dont get it???? Its a 40 hp Mearcury So that put a big hurt on our day fishin. We had to get a tow to the dock. Real nice guy. We only caught one Small mouth bass that was it. But the boat closed out the afternoon fish. It was real windy Sunday, Seen that the corp didnt put any brush piles down our way. Gonna have to move up higher than the bridge I see to deeper water.