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Everything posted by Jlowe

  1. Now im hungry
  2. To each his own, but I don't read your posts and comment on how you should have ate the fish though
  3. Thats something i've always wanted to try, i'd love to catch a nice rainbow fly fishing
  4. well I respect all of your opinions, but i enjoy the flavor of fish, and we dont fish often anymore with me going into my third year of college, living away from home and my brother has a job as well so its hard for us to all get together and fish, and yes you may be mad at the fact that I kept and ate a nice brownie but there are people out there who poach fish and do much worse things, and im not trying to start any arguements, just saying dont point fingers and hate because I ate some fish in season
  5. Went home to West Plains for the weekend and went on a float trip with my brother and my dad. We managed to make a 5 hour float into a 7 hour haha. The fishing was great! We caught well over 40 fish and kept 14 goggle eye and 7 smallmouth. I also caught the my biggest smallmouth, 17 in and 3 lbs! The trip was great until the end when a drunken idiot tried to tell us smallmouth were not in season and that it had ended two days before that. Then he continued to tell everyone that we had illegally caught our smallmouth and a truck told us to watch the rules and regs as he drove by... but all in all it was a great day!
  6. Thanks, yeah I have fished turkey creek, and I have caught quite a few goggle eye and i've cam to the conclusion it was a warmouth just a very large one haha. But i have fished a small section of Shoal without even a bite which discouraged me. I would like to fish Spring river but not sure of any access points to it?
  7. Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone knew of some good fishing spots around the Joplin area. Also I went fishing on Turkey Creek here if anyones knows it, and caught a fish I hadn't seen before, it resembled a Warmouth but it had a thin red stripe along its top fin, back fin, and under fin. If anyone knows what kind of fish this is please feel free to post on here.
  8. Jlowe


    Thank you, i've hit a couple of rivers here and had zero luck so far but i plan on doin some more fishing this weekend!
  9. Jlowe


    Hey guys, my name is John, i've lived in Missouri my entire life and fished just about that same amount of time haha! I have been in college for two years now here in Joplin MO and I am having trouble finding some places to fish. I live in the dorms and just want to fish for fun, if anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated!
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