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Time Killer

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Everything posted by Time Killer

  1. Work picked back up and havent been able to get on the lake in a couple weeks. Sounds like you all have been doing pretty good! I'm shootin' for thurs. or Fri. weather pending. Hope we get a little more rain out of the up coming system than we did the last couple. Thanks for the update!
  2. Thanks for that info. Strawhat. I must not have been down to the lake during the last low lake level period, I do remember CC flooded out a few years back!
  3. That's getting down there. I've tried pulling up the records of lake levels but havent had any luck. It would just be interesting to know! I mean what's the lowest the level can be and still be able to generate?
  4. Just curious but, does anyone know what the record low lake level is for Stockton?
  5. Greenfield access, to the right of boat ramp, towards CC bridge is good most of the time for a few keeper crappie. Good luck!
  6. Me and my boy fished CC from 8:00am to 2:00pm, a bit windy but no too bad. Scored 7 crappie all 11" to 12" a 17" walleye,a couple of shorts, a nice channel cat, and a drum. A couple on minnows, and the rest on jigs. All were caught out in the middle over creek channel. Fishing was definitly slow, and I dont know how but my boy got skunked! Course he is only 12 but usually keeps up with me pretty good! Hoping fishing will continue to improve over the next few weeks. Fun and luck to all!!
  7. Thanks for the report! I generally try to avoid windy days but I guess we'll brave it tomorrow. Down around CC it usually isnt as bad as you think it would be, but we'll see! The past couple of weekends We've trolled minnows for crappie, and thrown an assortment of jigs, and havent been able to get hardly a bite with the minnows, but have done well with the jigs, wich is unusual for me. Looking forward on getting down there. I'll post my two cents later!
  8. Thanks for the update! Me and Dad were up from CC a few miles last year about this time, and saw a flock of em' floating in the water just after sun up, and through the fog and the sun trying to shine through, it was a pretty sight! I love Stockton lake, especially this time of year. Hopefully me and my boy can get down there this weekend!
  9. Thanks for the update Carp! Cant wait to head that way this weekend!
  10. I registered here, about a year ago and finally remembered my password. WOO HOO!! I can give my fishing report now! We always fish CC and always troll minnows and throw a variety of plastics and jig heads, sounds like you guys did really good yesterday, we stayed about 5 hrs and left with 5 keepers (crappie). We go down every weekend oct. thru Nov.and in the spring. The past 3 weekends we have had to fish hard for what we were able to keep! We've been catching them from 2ft to 12ft. Looking forward to next weekend!!
  11. The Bullhead is kinda different on a roadrunner. My sister and her husband went bank fishing near high point yesterday where they caught 11 keeper crappie last week and left with 1. Thought it could be from the cold front, but maybe not. Told them they should have taken the boat, so they could have changed spots easily! I think that if your not cathin fish right now you need to move, cause the fishing is relly good now. CC is where I almost always fish and did good trolling the banks last week with 9 keeper crappie. Im glad to hear the cold front and drop in lake level has'nt slowed the bite!! Good job, and good luck fishin'!!!
  12. I didnt know this forum existed until a few days ago! Pretty good deal for all us fishing freaks, and the normal ones!! I usally fish CC and have been anxiosly awaiting crappie season. Hello to all! Good luck and be safe!
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