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Everything posted by brittsnbirds

  1. Thanks guys, I can only see so much from the camera and some of the other sites just quite give you enough info. However I have found out that my UPS driver is a fan of BSSP. I had a Cabela's gift card burning a hole in my wallet so I bought some stuff on-line. The UPS guy delivered it and noticed my "boot" as I was camped out on the front porch like a lizard basking in the sun. He started talking about his trip to BSSP a few weeks ago and how much fun they had. Now I have another source. Even though our conversations will be short as he is on a tight schedule. Don't know about anyone else but this guy definately hustles!! Thanks again!
  2. As I set here with my busted up leg and ankle I find myself checking this site and link for some new news. However there hasnt been too much action lately. Being laid up for an extended amount of time has proven to be very taxing. Thank god the weather hasnt been very good. Don't get me wrong I'm not a fair weathered angler but with "Spring"(?) here I get a little bit of cabin fever. So if you hit any of the fishing holes please post a review. Thanks
  3. Since I took a tumble in the PD parking lot and dislocated my ankle and broke my leg I will be out of service for some time. In order for me to entertain myself at home I was wondering if anyone uses the "practice" flyrods that are sold. I know Lefty sells one as well as Feathercraft. I've been thinking about getting one just to give me something to do as well as hone my skills a little, if they are worth it. Any thoughts?
  4. As far as the handicapped access goes, I haven't noticed anyone that were very rude to "actual" handicapped people. The ones that I can't stand are the ones that get around perfectly fine, drag their lawn chairs buckets and long nets down and take over the access. If you can carry your own gear then down hog up the handicapped! if you want to bank fish go down to zone 3 or the river. Yea, Jerry the toughest part will be if I can actually hook up the trailer and drive down that far. It was my right leg. Plus I'm out on w. c. and dont think they would appreciate me doing that on their time. I wouldn't chance it. If I feel that good I could at least ride a desk. Going to the Dr. a week from today to get my staples out and 1st cast off. Then we will see if it's going to be 8 or 12 weeks!! However I think cool, spring mineral water would be good on it!! Get NoLuck to pack me on his back to the stream. You can prop me up on the bank and "bam" I'm in business! Send me an email and I will send you some nasty pics!
  5. Jerry you nailed it. Coming down that hill always gives me the "home stretch" feeling as well. Nothing like that feeling. Then rolling across the bridge to get you first look at the river, nothing like it. Brings back a ton of memory's. Speaking of crowds, hopefully the handicapped access will not be too crowded later this summer. I managed to bust my "arz" on some ice at work and got some new hardware added to my right leg, as well as making my foot point the wrong direction. Doc says I can't put any weight on it for another 12 weeks. Then it's going to be rehab city. So I probably won't be out there following you guys around in the high bank hole for a while!! Ouch!!
  6. NoLuck your right FC is a great fly shop, if you do not live in Missouri. By the time you pay shipping and TAX it's cheaper to get stuff from Idaho or Montana. Sometimes they ship for free. I wish they would make a deal on the shipping and I would be more of a loyal customer. As far as K&K Jerry, I agree. The prices are comparable though. Kevin hooked me on my Sage several years ago and even took me out to the yard for some tuning up on my casting. He didn't have to do that was very nice and focused. Now if you want to be rubbed the wrong way just go down to BSSP and visit Charlie!! I have a buddy that goes with me from time to time and he refuses to go in there!! He's originally from Chicago, maybe it's a personality conflict??? Jerry where is the other shop you mentioned. I thought there was one up in old OP somewhere but haven't found it?
  7. In all the years I have been going (I'm 56) I have only attended 1 opener. That year Dixie and I took the Pop up down to CG5. It wasn't crowded at all. The weather was cool, but that night it got up to 75 or so. About midnight sirens started going off, the Park Rangers drove through telling everyone to seek shelter. BTW shelter at Bennett is under the hotel rooms just up from CG1. It was a mad house. Apparently tornadoes were coming from Oklahoma. Once there was an all clear we went back to bed. When we woke up it was freezing out. What a mess. Like others said it does clear out a bit as people get their limits and go back to bed, since they were up before 5 to get their special spot. I doubt that I go especially since it is on a Friday!!
  8. Or you can "con, bribe, threaten" NoLUck to hook you up with some of his "special" ones!! Have a new secret weapon I got from Troy in Paola (http://www.thesimontons.com/Fishinggear.html). Placed a order and he made me up some colored furled leaders to use for nymphing. Grease them up and and see if that will work this next year. Plus Jim if you buy your nymphs from a store at Bennett, try to get the ones that have the least amount of material. Sometimes you will find ones that are "fat" or bulky looking. Stay away from those. Sparse is good!! Or start tying them yourself like we do!!
  9. Very good Brian. Gives me the itch to hook up the trailer and head south. Even pulled up some of your previous videos. Makes a wasted day at home good!! Keep em coming. And watch out the youngsters might start out fishing you!!
  10. As far as the knots with Fluro, I have found if it isn't "fresh" it will break. And if you do not wet it prior to synching it down it will break. As far as the brand, I'm a cheap skate. I use regular Vanish in the small spools in 2 and 4#. I checked the thickness and it is very close to Sea Gar and the others. I just re-spool it on my tippet spools.
  11. Go to Jeremy Hunt's website and check out his video about his "secret weapon"!! He gives a very good analysus of his research about the "egg" patterns. Plus he has some killer jigs that he is selling. He also will show you how to tie an easy egg pattern.
  12. Actually he is the tier, his wonderful wife is the skilled marksman with it!! Rich, not to change the subject, how much do they charge for rent to park your trailer and where are you looking at?' I noticed that there was a nice sized fairly new unit parked outside of Weavers with at least one slide for sale the other day. It was at least the size of my trailer..
  13. Don't think you will find it. One of the "good ole boys" from the other side of the state turned me on to it.
  14. I had the opportunity to go down last Thursday (11/29) for a few days. A buddy of mine just switched jobs and had a few days off. So we hooked up the anchor and jumped in the truck and ran down. We got down to CG 1 around 1100 and set up then headed for the river. I don't think I've ever seen such a slow flow. We managed to make our way down below 64 bridge to the ramp and found some riffles. I hooked up to a 3 lb. brown on the P&P on the 3 rd pass, what a way to start a trip. My buddy caught some small Bows nothing great. The rest of the weekend we fished from the spring down to zone 3 and found the most luck around zone 1. Everything from midges to cracklebacks worked however they seemed very picky. I found myself going back to the "NoLuck special" after trying several different midges. I did turn several above the Holland Dam on a Stetson. Kinda fun getting near someone throwing size 18 and 20 dry fly's and I sling one of those big Stetson's in and start taking fish. The flow out of the spring is very low, as a result the flow is slow as well. I prefer more water but the weather was awesome. CG 1 was pretty much empty, only 5 or 6 trailers and a few tent campers here and there. Very quiet conditions and peaceful. Gave us both time to digress and get past the everyday crap that we deal with. I was a fantastic trip.
  15. Noticed on the trout cam that the parking lot above the dam (stripping hole) has barricade fence all around. Also noticed part of a yellow (pump?) piece of equipment below the dam just up from the bridge.Wondered what was going on??Thought maybe NoLuck was redirected to power wash the bridge or something!!
  16. If your just stripping get furled leaders with a swivel! They do a pretty good job of not letting your tippet get twisted up too bad. I've been using furled leaders for several years now and think they do a great job.
  17. Rich your a wusss. Come out of the cave and go fishing. Let me know, I will be game. Depending on how things are going with mom. She's still kicking but not well. At least Rich your getting to go back to the big bucks!!
  18. Bennett leaves CG 1 open. They have full hookups (usually). I believe the shower house is open as well. I've spent some winter fishing time there in my Travel Trailer.
  19. Well said lilley!! Just like the last 4 years, baffle them with bull$#@!
  20. Assuming that you are new to the fly rod thing, I would suggest you get a rod and fly line that supports "roll casting". Then learn how to roll cast and mend your line. There are many youtube videos about roll casting and line presentation. This will get you ready to use a plethera of different flys. This way you will not have to be so frustrated in the line management of casting. Once you get your groove on with using a strike indicator and different midge patterns (hint, hint) as well as glow balls (another hint) you can migrate to the art of dry fly presentation which is a totally different game. Maybe a brief stop before you get real proficient with the dry fly presentation would be the utiliztion of streamers (white river special-hint) and stripping cracklebacks (hint), and/or soft hackles (another hint). The key to using the fly rod is getting the correct setup. Correct length, weight and fly line, wheter it is a DT (double taper) or WF (weight forward) line. I recently switched to a DT for my 3 weight rod setup so I could roll cast better at the suggestion of NoLuck. Made a difference. I can roll cast about any line but with the DT it made it much easier. I would check out one of the local fly shops down around Springfield or just go to the Bennett Spring Store and look up Eric. He is a certified casting instructor as well as an all around good guy. He works in the afternoon (tall red headed fella). They have a new selection of fly rods, reels and lines. He may even throw a lesson in for you!! Last words of wisdom, be patient, it will come!!
  21. No boubt. Usually doesn't get too ugly. At least I will be camped down hill from NoLuck, I can roll to my Campsite! And his brother and my cousin leave the Crown alone!! Hope his brother likes Channel cat, have several big fillets to work up!!
  22. "Can't wait to wet a line and kick back in the CG and have a few drinks. " Roger that!! First couple of days back at school have been uneventful, would rather stay in the dick unit. Oh well do what you have to do! Haven't got a green light totally from the home boss but it looks favorable. I will head down Thursday afternoon hopefully leave the house by 3. Tied up some stuff that I picked up last time, will show you. It's a technique you don't usually use. Looked at the CG registration and 411 is open. I like the west side down in 4 better than the uphill side.
  23. Rich, talked to the boss about your get together. Her question was "are you going? Sounds like fun". WTF?? Maybe she does have a boyfriend, wooo whoooo, hope he makes lots of money. I'll check my other schedule and see if I can make it happen!!
  24. Headed down in a few hours. At this point I don't care about "dinks" just want to have some fricking solitude and cold water on my legs!! Life has been hell this summer and getting away to BSSP or one of the others is what I need. It's fairly close and I know it pretty good. If I get a yank on the ole rod I'll be happy!! Later
  25. Speaking of Camera's (kinda off topic) but did you get pics back of that big Brown we caught several years ago? That we took pics of and RELEASED!! What's up NoLuck??
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