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Everything posted by brittsnbirds

  1. Yea it was. Kind of surprised I lived to tell about it. Finally made it down. Rained the whole way until we hit licking. Hopefully it will stay north of us.
  2. Funny you talk about the Spring River jd. Once upon a time when I was going to Jr. College at NEO in Miami Ok I fished a river off of 10 hiway called the Spring River. Just east of Miami. Nice little pull in, walk up stream where the river would change banks and SLAUGHTER the white bass off of the sand bars!! They would follow the cut and get bottled up in the headed off cut. My dad accused me of not going to classes until I pulled a monster bag of fillets. He quit complaining and tried to get a kitchen pass from mom to come down. Needless to say we were both in the dog house!! Those were the good ole days back around 1975-76.
  3. Sweat hopefully that will hold true for Licking MO!!
  4. Should just bail on going south with all the rain, and go up to the driftless area in Iowa!
  5. What's the water like now with all the rain this week?? My DW is a little worried that we might get rained out. Told her the forecast didn't look any worse than what we have been dealing with this week up here in KC. Actually the forecast is more rain up here than down at Licking Thurs - Sun. Don't mind some rain every once in a while but a constant down pour won't work. And NoLuck your not going to convince the DW to go to BSSP. She's liking Montauk much better, especially when you can't get into CG1. Had the ability to get a site(s) but had to move 1 time.
  6. Ok, so I'm impressed. When you guys are talking Current what part are you referring to? Going to hit Montauk next week and love stripping Cracklebacks and Wooly's make me happy happy happy.
  7. Well jd you definitely struck a nerve with us as BBQ is one of our fav's. Actually mine is pretty darn good but for the two of us I don't fool with it much any more. Will try it!
  8. Thanks guys. We are trying to branch out from the norm. My wife likes the "feel" of Montauk. Reminds her of our trip to Idaho years ago. I have to agree with her. Thanks again.
  9. Thinking about heading down to Montauk the week of 5/13. Looked online at reserving a CG, however only 1 was available for the time we are going to stay. Can anyone give me an idea about how likely the First come sites will be full on a Wednesday? I know at Bennett CG 5 (First Come) usually will have an opening this early in the season. Just wondered if Montauk was the same way? Any suggestions.
  10. Using a spinning rod I would throw a black, black and yellow, white, white and red, ginger, and moss green 1/80th jigs. Upstream schooled me one time with a 80th oz. black jig once. Cast across current jig it as it makes the swing. Try mini jigs under an indicator with a fly rod or spinning rod.
  11. I would like to stress the need to have your waist belt "tight". Those of us that have taken a misstep and gone down know the need to keep the water from coming in. Hopefully one of our contributors did and was successful in not drowning. I know he didn't drown or his brother would have said so. Just a friendly reminder out there to those that wade at BSSP around the gauge house. There a few boulders that you miss at times and they will dunk you. Believe me I've been down twice, once at the the Gauge house!! BE Careful!!
  12. Steady............your starting to tug on Superman's Cape!!
  13. Whats interesting is the Agents leave their cell phone numbers posted at the shop and CG check in. Make the call!! Thanks for the update.
  14. Why CG 4? Are you tent camping, pop up, travel trailer or what? There are some spots in CG 4 I wouldn't try to get a trailer in.
  15. For those of you that like to "gut" fish I can see some dark brown dubbing spun to the size of a pellet!!
  16. Cool egg pattern may have to add some of those to the box. Thanks.
  17. Well it flushed me and the wife out. Way too much water for me. Plus they were calling for more ran. Hooked up the 5er and headed further south. Setting here at Bull Shoals state park, dry and warm. However they are running 5 gates or something water is up no where to wade fish. Will see tomorrow. Have to do some research as this is my first trip here. Really nice camp ground right on the river!!
  18. Here you go upstream. Just after getting the 5er set up I looked towards the river and noticed "Ole Baldy" flying up zone 3. Now that's inspiration if I ever saw it. Yesterday's weather was beautiful down here actually it's been great just being down here. Water is stained, but not muddy. Has a nice flow, something we didn't see too much last year. Looks like it is going down according to the USGS. As usual I did pretty good stripping DEEEEP with woolies and Crackleback's. Stripping above dam as well as the handicap above Holland Dam. Also tried Zebra midges, San Juan worm, BH pheasant tail, BH Hares ear, Y2K, Crackleback, and several others. As far as top performers, nothing really stood out. Still have the rest of the week but looks like weather is going to be unstable.
  19. You go Jerry!! We will see tomorrow.
  20. Haven't checked the flow. Should be up with all the weather that went through. It rained like a momma Wednesday, when we were on the dock Crappie fishing. They said they got a few tenths. Not. It was getting it.
  21. Well we fished all afternoon yesterday. Sun was out but the wind was rather nippy. Sun made the bite a little better, caught a few more larger fish in 7'-10' water, very spotty. I was incorrect to assume they were all males as they were skinny. When we got to the cleaning table I was wrong. 80% were females with eggs, starting to get bloody but not busting at the seams. If they had some good sun and 60 plus temps it would kick them into gear.
  22. Hopefully hooking up sunday and headed that way. DW will come down Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully the trout bite will be better than the crappie bite at LOZ. Weather was funky this week down there.
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