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Nitro Nick

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Nitro Nick's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. This is an electrolyte replacement drink that isn't too bad for taste ( http://www.nuun.com/nuunis/whatisnuun.html ). Drop it in a bottle of water and it will dissolve in a couple of minutes. I'll reuse the same bottle and refill at home to offset the costs of bottled water and the tablets a bit. You can find this in stores geared towards runners / bikers.
  2. It was a lot of fun and well ran. Thanks for putting it on.
  3. SkeeterP gifted ol Nitro Nick (me) a couple of stickers, one of the back of the Merc 200 EFI and one on the Nitro windshield. What a pal! Will be out on Saturday 5/8 with the missus fishing a small tournament in the Baxter area. Red & White 912 Savage, say hello!
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