Guys I am looking to upgrade my sonar equipment. I have a 05 Bass CAt cougar FTD with basic Lowrance on dash GPS and unit on front of boat. They arent much use to me. I an no expert and have a lot to learn with sonar. IT seems like you need two units, one on dash and one in the front. I dont mind spending the money as it seems I am looking at minimum of $600 for on dash unit with mapping, gps ,etc and $500 or so for one up front. I have been looking at Lowrance HDS units. The guys at Bass Pro seem pretty helpful. I will probably take a few guided trips this spring and learn a little more on how to use then for drop shotting, locating structure, etc. I cant see my buying a $2000 unit however I dont want to buy something and wish I had bought better. I have never really relied on electronics and any advice would be appreciated. How much of a role do they play in catching fish?