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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. I'd try the southside of the east end of the Hwy. 215 bridge...if that makes sense?
  2. ...it's all fun and games till somebodys weiner falls off...
  3. "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
  4. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go.....
  5. Dear Pakistan, Have you seen Osama Bin Laden. Oh wait, FOUND HIM! Sincerely, Navy Seals
  6. I have fished Stockton Lake since it was built, and I could count on one hand how many White Bass I have caught. Now, I don't target them, but with what I hear form almost everyone, I would think that the random White Bass would end up on the end of my line.
  7. Only time will tell...I would think the next few weeks to a month will be very telling on our involvement in Afghanistan. I would be surprised if there were any "serious" retaliations against our country, but it is safe to assume there will be something. On a lighter note, the rivers are coming down, and I am planning on getting out later this week!!!
  8. Well said...I would hope that completing the mission of killing Osama Bin Laden will bring some resemblance of peace and stability to the world. If not, then it is purely a symbolic killing. God bless our troops, and may the return home quickly and safely. "Now watch this cast!"
  9. ...or Otter food...
  10. Like...Oh wait, this isn't Facebook...
  11. Don't eat opossums either....and to be safe, stay away from eating skunks, though I've heard they taste like chicken...
  12. So, if you were at the river, and the landowner, with a gun, asked you to leave, AND you have a gun, then what?
  13. Maybe a canoe floatilla would be fun?
  14. I think we should all post pics of us fishing with our dads. They are the ones who most likely got us interested. My dad died last October and he was the one who got me going, taking me on trips to Canada and the West.
  15. Should be fine today...We got about an inch last night...Wind would be your biggest problem i would think...
  16. It's almost Friday...We gonna get another pic?
  17. Kinda scares me to think we have Filet knife carrying otters...
  18. dont pass up Convict Lake. If you have time, hit the upper Owens River. They have had tons of snow this winter, so water should be in great condition in Sept. Rock Creek, McGee Creek, and Hot Creek are all good too. Have a great trip
  19. bennett springs access
  20. I was having problems with the wind and my flyrod yesterday. Missing lots of fish, so i got my spinning rod out, put on a slip float, tied on a #16 black midge, and wham!! Caught 7 in about 30 minutes. Oh yea, took my first dump in waders...
  21. I had a pretty good day. got my limit of crappie then bass fished and caught one real nice smallmouth. Lots of 12-14 inch bass. Not any walleye. Great day to be on the lake. Probably go to the Niangua river trout fishing tomorrow it its to windy.
  22. I was in the same general area as you and did fair. Did find some crappie but they would only hit minnows. Caught about 15 in less than an hour. Bass were active. fished a little crankbait and caught plenty. Only one had any size. Seems the 12"ers are plentiful. Did catch one about 17". No smallmouth or walleye. Oh yea, caught one nice Channel on a spinner rig with a minnow, thought for sure it was my walleye!!! Fun day and will be back out today late afternoon.
  23. Yes it is. I usually go there. I think they now call it Hartley?
  24. I was out today. and probably tomorrow.
  25. I'll probably be out on the lake the next 4 days...weather permitting...can't wait!!
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