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Everything posted by Danoinark

  1. Andy, didn't get a chance to look tonight. If you can give me a day or two I still might find something. I think the only reels that I have that weight that much will probably be old click and pawls.....I will dig though.
  2. I'll go through the stock tonight and see what I might have.
  3. Let me reiterate Phil did not shut down that thread, I did. I started it and when the threat of the budget issue was over for the time being I got rid of it as the purpose was only as an informational piece. I have known Phil along time, been an admin on this board for years, and still don't know how he votes or what party he leans, nor do I care. I doubt from any posts that I have made is it clear as to my political leaning. I would be happy to fish with anyone here and call them my friend despite how they feel about single issues. I have friends on the left, right and in the center and we are still friends and will remain so.
  4. Tis funny. If you are talking about the Buffalo River Thread in relation to a possible Govt Shutdown, then Phil had nothing to do with it. I started it I deleted it as I said I would when the short term budget was passed and the immediate threat was over. The thread served no purpose past that. It was simply an informational post which I should of closed to comment. Dano
  5. Here's a similar thread on OAF http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27684&st=0
  6. Very nice Justin, I'm looking forward to stopping by one of these days. Thanks for posting the update and pictures.
  7. More than enough.
  8. For me its about the proper depth of the midge. I am constantly adjusting the indicator / bobber to find them. Color and size are also important. Patience is a virtue. Before you even wade in, scan and observe the water to see what those fish might be doing. If you see fish sipping bugs on the surface your bobber may only need to be 6 to 12 inches above the fly. Here's a little tip taught to me by an area guide. He told me to always start off my indicator an extended arms length from my nose. I've never had much luck setting a bobber 1 1/2 times the water depth as some suggest. I've had more success adjusting it to the conditions of the water and to how I feel the fish are feeding. A proper mend is also important for successful midge fishing. Try reversing your scud and midge and see if they don't take the midge. I would bet you'll start catching more via the midge.
  9. TFO has a great warranty. Customer service is more than adequate.
  10. http://www.baxterbulletin.com/article/20110402/NEWS01/104020316/-1/NLETTER01/Trout-heads-discuss-fishery-challenges?source=nletter-news
  11. Hahaha, nursery, never thought of like that Laker....
  12. That would be about where I was Bob, but I didn't start getting good hookups until around 2pm. Had the orange Ozark Anglers hat on. I saw one guy just upstream from me having a pretty good day too. Not sure what he was fishing though.
  13. Thom, Those are 2499PBL in 18 and 16. The thorax is Ice Dub Peacock black by Hairline, I use yellow or light olive thread and fine green wire for the ribbing. Yellow Midge Hook: 2499bl, 16-18 Bead: Black Tungsten 1.5mm - 2mm Body: Yellow or Lt. Olive Uni thread 6/0 Rib: Green fine wire Torax: Dub of Ice Dub, color Peacock Black I coat the body with Sally Hansen
  14. Up to Taney for some rainbows. Fished at Rocking Chair. Ended up having one of the best days there. Slow at first, then around 2pm the action started on a yellow midge. I stuck what I think was a big brown as he just wanted to sit on the bottom and not make a run at all. Lost him before I could see him, then in subsequent casts caught two nice rainbows that were pushing 19 to 20 each. They put up a nice fight. Throw in a few 9 to 14 inch rainbows and it made for a great day. Fished 6x on an old 7 1/2 ft. 5 wt Vince Cummings glass rod. Going back tomorrow to meet up with an old fishing buddy of mine from Memphis who moved to the hills of Mo. Here is the midge I used in size 18.
  15. No sir, its not going much further.
  16. You are hard pressed to beat a rod made by Mark.
  17. I second the WOW... What fly?
  18. Great report. Enjoyed. Dano
  19. KTUL TV Tulsa Tweet Reports out of Arkansas say Mizzou coach Mike Anderson to be introduced tomorrow in Fayetteville as Razorbacks new head basketball coach.
  20. Surely you jest, Cricketeer?
  21. Cabelas sells their Three Forks 3wt and Its a fine casting rod. I have one and use it on small streams. Its a 71/2 foot medium action rod. Runs around 50 bucks. Very nice for the price. You might find a used TFO pro in that weight for under a C note. Dano
  22. Enjoying this thread. Thanks fellows. Dano
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