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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Cocry

  1. Leo, I made a mistake when I sent them. I went to UPS and just had them box them up with a return shipping label in it. I think you might have to drop it by a UPS store or some place that has a regular pickup. My apologies. Cory
  2. Sending mine out today! Looking forward to getting them back. Heading to the Current so hopefully I'll have some good pics for you guys on Sunday. -Cory
  3. THIS! My god people. The reason everyone's an asshole nowadays is because no one takes the time to be nice first. No one communicates nowadays except by dirty looks, stray fingers or mf'ing someone. There's nothing better than making a jerk realize that they're being a jerk when you turn around and say "Careful back there. I don't want to give you an unwanted piercing. " /end rant
  4. Thank you thank you!
  5. What's the easiest thing to ship these things in? Should I just go to the ups store and have them pack them up?
  6. This is exactly the input I was looking for. I appreciate all of your responses. Cory
  7. Yea, it's probably broad because I have 0 experience with the matter. Thanks for the recommendation!
  8. Morning! I was interested in how I can learn more about the bug world and how it relates to fishing. What to look(or what I am looking at for that matter) during a hatch, seasons for a certain hatch, how to identify certain bugs that I am seeing. Any information, links, or even a response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Cory
  9. I understand completely what you're saying. Scares the bejeezus out of me though.
  10. Cocry

    New Camera!

    I would love to participate in that as well. Great Idear!!
  11. I object. He bought 12 of these and will be sticking hooks through them....
  12. I do if it sucks...
  13. Last second mind change. Next weekend hopefully!
  14. Glad to hear and will do! I'll probably be fishing mainly streamers. Probably a little bit overkill but got the 8wt packed~!
  15. Cocry

    New Camera!

    Of course I'm interested!! This was way more than I was expecting and I want to thank you.
  16. Well thanks for the good words!! I'm not going to say that these patterns aren't out there, because if they are, I just don't know. hahaha Hopefully I will get to try a few out tonight.
  17. I have to work Saturday until 4 but plan on heading down after to fish baptist that evening and well into the night. Hit me up if you want a Boulevard or want to do some fitchin. -Cory
  18. I really don't know anything about streamers except from kind of what I've seen from using them which has only been in the past month or so. I will watch a few vids online, but normally I just throw things together. I need to stop wasting my material and get a few of these in the water to see if they will actually work. As far as my flies, I normally just fish midges, scuds so that's what I tie.
  19. Some more. Thanks for taking a look!
  20. I just used Chinchilla Grizzly Zonker. And thanks for the good words!
  21. Cocry

    New Camera!

    VERY MUCH SO! I've read this many times before and haven't got the jist of it. If anyone knows of explanations with pictures(I'm being serious), I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance, Cory
  22. Cocry

    New Camera!

    Yea, I'm pretty sure that most of my pictures were taken just with auto. How do I get the darn thing to focus the whole fly?
  23. ...And more!
  24. What would you suggest doin that would fix that?
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