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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Cocry

  1. Selling used Sage X 590-4. Only been on the water 4 times. Also throwing in an Orvis Battenkill Mid Arbor III and SA Mastery fly line as well. $750 OBO I live in St. Louis, but would be willing to travel(within reason) so you can see the rod in person before purchase. It will give me an excuse to make it in to a fishing trip. I have other pictures that I can send and of course will take any requests. I know that I haven't sold anything here before but I'm willing to go through any necessary steps to confirm legitimacy. Also, please let me know if missed a rule on posting and thank you in advance for your time. Thank you in advance, Cory
  2. This is a really random question, but does anyone know if Nick is part of OAF?
  3. They aren't running water right now. Just got to the lot at outlet 2 in a red Durango. Hit me up if you're around.
  4. yea, i'll be wading only. i heard they've been running a lot of water. hit me up on the forums when you get down if you have access. if not lemme know and we'll get somethin figured out.
  5. I'm coming down for the week. If anyone wants to do some fishing, let me know! Day or night.
  6. Of course he doesn't need to be banned. That would be absolutely ridiculous to remove someone who's been a part of the community for a long time. I know I made a big stink out of it and it seemed stupid but it just had no place where it was posted. He didn't express any hatred to anyone so I see no reason to remove him.
  7. "The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it."
  8. Just curious if anyone is going to be fishing tonight. I'll be down there suiting up as soon as the water turns off. The names Cory if you see me at the pavilion. Fly fishing film tour hat on.
  9. I have an 8 right now but it seems to be a bit overkill for the current which is where I normally fish. Plus if I'm tired of streamers, I'd like to switch it up a little quicker without carrying another rod with me.
  10. Not sure if this is the right subforum for it but I'm looking for a 6 wt. I've heard some decent things about the Bankrobber but just looking for suggestions. Thanks in advance!
  11. Cocry


  12. Cocry


    Picked this guy up about 20 minutes in to my weekend. I set the music a little quiet as to not blow anyones eardrums.
  13. Looking to get rid of my DSLR camera/lens/extras. Might be interested in a trade. Items below. I would like to get somewhere around $700 for it all. Since I got my GoPro, I just don't use the thing at all. I've got a tripod/case/extra battery, charger, all documents. Let me know if you have any questions. http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-16-2MP-Digital-18-55mm-3-5-5-6/dp/B004V4IWKG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1366674020&sr=8-1&keywords=nikon+d5100 http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-55-300mm-4-5-5-6G-Nikkor-Digital/dp/B003ZSHNCC/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1366673947&sr=1-1&keywords=nikon+dx+af-s+nikkor+55-300mm Thanks! Cory
  14. Sucks... I had it all planned out too. Oh well, next time!
  15. Yupyup. Pretty much knew it when i looked at the radar this morning. I do appreciate you guys responding though!
  16. I'm probably going to head down this Friday night and was wondering if anyone wanted someone to bs with. Will be there until Sunday around noon or so.
  17. Cocry


    Thanks man! I felt god awful for the last two days and I was even tempted to go back down after I got off work today. It put a big spark back into my butt to get down more.
  18. Cocry


    Appreciate the kind words! Can't wait to get back down there.
  19. Cocry


    Buddy and I didn't even get out until about 10 Saturday morning. Started at Tan Vat and walked down a ways. Was swinging Leonards PMS in gray. darn thing smoked my fly and kind of startled me. First fish of the day and it took me about 5 or 6 minutes to get it in. She made a huge jump right in front of me and right at that moment, I realized that I left my GoPro in the car. (( Was definitely not happy about that. Couldn't have cared less if I caught another one the rest of the day but I did decent with about 10.
  20. saw this on reddit. pretty good video
  21. I wish I could say the same. Every time I bring my camera, it usually stays in the pack. What camera were you shooting with?
  22. hahaha I thought the same. I could just see Leo doing this..... lolll
  23. I saw this a while back and as soon as I saw Leo's post, I had to find it. I laugh my butt off every time I see it.
  24. Heading down there within the hour. This is not what I wanted to hear
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