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Everything posted by ARflyfisher4

  1. thax a bunch!! will do!! I love to fish there (LIR), it has been great @ every time i go. Although, i have nothing to compare it to. As far as fly fishing for trout, i have only been there, and the Narrows Dam in Murfreesboro, Ar. But only fished with dry flies there...
  2. thanks a bunch, i will check it out!
  3. is there anybody on here, who has flies that they tie for Lower Ill river in Gore, ok?? Just started fly fishing, and live in greenwood, ar. Me and my 5 yr old daughter have had a blast fishing there. But, all i have been able to get fish on, is a brown wooly booger(10). Though it has worked great, most days, was just wandering what else i could use, nymph, midge,???? not really anywhere locally, outside of Academy, that even have flies around here.
  4. michael-greenwood, ar- RAINBOW TROUT

  5. Lower ill river! gore, ok. i recently took up fly fishing, and live in greenwood, ar. me and my five year old daughter, have had a blast, or she has most of the time watching me!!! LOL!!
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