Leonard, Leonard, Leonard,
We visit in the parking lot because the trout will always (I hope) be in the water. I only get to "BS" with you guys a couple/three times a year. Besides, the longer we hang around your TaneyCo nights van, the better the odds of scoring a few seahorses. Yes, they do keep the waders afloat.
Terry, Dano, SIO3 and the Arrow-? guy, always a pleasure to share your company.
WE DID solve some of the ills of the world. Soon, people will notice.
Oh yeah, the fishing was a bit tight. Caught a couple on my own.
Then about 3:30 (in the morning, YEEK), Leonard felt pitty on this yankee and gave me a quick lesson on the water.
Put the PMS fly and the "strip club" technique to work and BANG, nice rainbow...second cast.
All in all, I would drive 4 hours any day (that the job lets me) just to stand in the parking lot with you guys.
Fish were a little tight-lipped Sunday on the White as well. Jimmy T did put us on the fish. We caught enough.
What a whirlwind trip. Thanks compadres.