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Everything posted by Flextime

  1. GREAT SITE Leonard. You had me catching fish last Saturday (a.m.) after 5 minutes of instruction....enough said! That PMS and strip tip is a winner.
  2. Leonard, Leonard, Leonard, We visit in the parking lot because the trout will always (I hope) be in the water. I only get to "BS" with you guys a couple/three times a year. Besides, the longer we hang around your TaneyCo nights van, the better the odds of scoring a few seahorses. Yes, they do keep the waders afloat. Terry, Dano, SIO3 and the Arrow-? guy, always a pleasure to share your company. WE DID solve some of the ills of the world. Soon, people will notice. Oh yeah, the fishing was a bit tight. Caught a couple on my own. Then about 3:30 (in the morning, YEEK), Leonard felt pitty on this yankee and gave me a quick lesson on the water. Put the PMS fly and the "strip club" technique to work and BANG, nice rainbow...second cast. All in all, I would drive 4 hours any day (that the job lets me) just to stand in the parking lot with you guys. Fish were a little tight-lipped Sunday on the White as well. Jimmy T did put us on the fish. We caught enough. What a whirlwind trip. Thanks compadres. Steve
  3. Figure to get there by 10:00 or so..... Driving a silver Chevy Trailblazer with 30 day/temporary tag.
  4. Here's the deal Terry B. You pray for me to win the lottery. Then, I can hire you. What I am seeking is someone to caddy a golf bag full of fly rods, read the lie of the stream and select the proper rod for each particular situation. You have experience on the water so that part of the interview is already a given. You are a legend as a fish catcher. An all-around outdoorsman. Put aside all that technical school-learning stuff and get thee outside. I will pay generously and you will be a pioneer in an exciting new professional service. Oh, yes....there will be bikini clad supermodels following us with rum drinks (w/ little umbrellas) and freshly peeled grapes. In the meantime, good luck with your interviews. (Just keep your new employer apprised of your aformentioned option).
  5. Terry, Dano, Leonard... I am planning on coming down for some night feeesh'n the following Friday (yee gads the 13th). Hope to see some of you folks. By then you will be seminar'd and full of info (amongst other stuff).
  6. Another Lawrence, Kansas here... rsteve@ku.edu
  7. Dano, I got my "start" in radio as well. Military and civillian. Just couldn't survive on the "pay your dues" payscale. Great memories though....especially the military gig...."Coast to coast in the Canal Zone". The Army forced me to do a C/W radio show at 4:00 A.M. because I was from Kansas (said I sounded country) Yeeehaw.
  8. Another request to see the what they look like...(yeah, I know...a ball cap) The logo...
  9. Fishing the White this past October (Conclave) just upstream from Lilleys...someone was blasting the wedding processional music. (found out later they were practicing for a ceremony there later in the day). In-so-much as they only played it a couple times, actually found it amusing. Ever try to move your position on the water with the wedding procession playing and not do the "shuffle"?
  10. Well, NightPlunker...going BIG TIME on us are ya? Good luck with your business. I plan to come your way the week between Christmas and New Year (weather permitting). Send me an email regarding your rates to: rsteve@ku.edu Does this mean that if you see me doing something stoooopid on the water, you won't hep me no mo? Guess I'm gonna have to read the book now... -Steve
  11. Thanks indeed for the post. Very helpful!!
  12. Dano, assuming your digital camera has the option (in manual mode) of opening the shutter and leaving it open indefinately... As mentioned previous, set the camera on a tripod, pointed in the direction you have seen recent lightning activity, select a high f-stop, then put a black cloth over the lens (or camera if it is small). Then (with the small f-stop opening) you have more time to leave the cloth off the lens when you anticipate activity. Depending on the ambiant light in the area, I have left the cloth off for 30 seconds or more at a time. Will take some experimentation to avoid the "noise" expressed in low light digital exposure. I have successfully used this technique many times.
  13. There are a couple fellows here in Lawrence, Ks., (Clinton Lake) who regularly harvest carp and bufallo and ship them to NYC. They get two or three boats, make a big bunch of noise whacking the bottom of the boats and drive the "bonefish" into the shallows where they net them. Ship them live to New York's Chinatown where they are sold in these big aquariums. Those East Coast 'gourmets' pick them from the aquariums much like we might pick a lobster at a quality seafood joint. That could help thin the population of these boney beasts.
  14. God speed with the move Terry. Things are looking gooood fer ya. Be sure and warn the fish'z
  15. Just signed-on as a new member and wanted to say Howdy. Have fished Tanney and the White/Norfork area for several years now. Know a few of your forum folks from other links and have fished with a handful as well. Work and live in Lawrence, Kansas. Really like your OA site. Nicely constructed with a wealth of good information. Look forward with chatting and sharing with you fly fisher folk. Rock Chalk, -Steve
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