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Everything posted by MissedAnother

  1. Only got to fish for 2 hours in the middle of the day on Sunday the 28th, so it was kind of tough, but I had the best luck fishing a white jig with a grub trailer along bluff walls, we hit the backs of some creeks but all we saw was little balls of shad, and some dink bass, couldn't really get anything going. Even with the bluff bite, keeper fish were hard to come by then again it could just be me.
  2. That's what the front of our boat always looks like. I may have a disease.
  3. Thread looks dead but since I haven't been on in a while I thought I'd put in my two cents. I find that switching to pork trailers when the water temps head toward the low 50's and below helps me out. Seems like they'll hold onto it longer as well as not having to re-rig trailers unless you lose the jig. Maybe it's just me digging on the traditional. I suppose all that really matters is confidence in what you're using.
  4. We didn't get to go this past weekend due to boat problems, but it has been tough out there. I've stayed down toward the rivers on the Big Sac side so I don't know how the lake is fishing to the north and east. Last weekend down in the Sac I caught 5 dinks in about 6 hours and was feeling pretty good about myself, they're not that hard to find but getting them to bite is another story altogether.
  5. Kevin, we didn't get any on cranks. I started with a rattle trap and felt a few slaps so I switched to a squarebill to give them a different look and no dice. Walcrabass, do you mold your own Stand Up jigs or do you use a specific brand? You've got me curious.
  6. I tried a 1/2 oz arkie style jig on and off throughout the day but it just seemed like they were wanting the smaller profile of the finesse jig. I prefer the arkie style because it seems to get wedged less than the ball or football heads do in all the rocks. But they just didn't seem to want that. Either that or they were just really into the yamamoto craw I was using as a trailer for the finesse jigs.
  7. Hit the water at about 9:30 am from Mutton Creek. We started fishing shallow standing timber. On my second cast to the base of a stump I hooked up with a nice 3.5 lb largemouth. We were out until about 8:30 p.m. and I lost count at about 15 for me and 6 or 7 for my father-in-law. Most of the fish we caught were dinks, but we caught 7 keepers between us. One solid 4 pounder came late in the day. All were largemouth and none came out of water deeper than 6 feet. We tried Crankbaits, worms, creatures, flukes, jerkbaits, and spinnerbaits; but all were caught on jigs. Most came on a 3/8 or 1/2 oz War Eagle heavy finesse jig in Green Pumpkin Orange. Looks like they've started moving back in the creeks preparing for fall, at least some are. If we can get another few weeks of cool nighttime temps fishing should be pretty darn good. I think we would have done better but we had to leave our spot to go back to the dock to pick up our wives about 2 hours into our trip. Oddly enough, my wife caught a 13 inch walleye in 3 ft of water on a KVD 1.5 crank at about 2:00 in the afternoon. Color me surprised. If I can figure it out later I'll post a pic of the big fish of the day from my phone.
  8. Pig Sticker Bait Co. out of Verona, Mo makes a version that connects the football head to the hook with a split ring so you can change hooks. The picture on the website doesn't show it but the ones I got have a recessed line tie as well. Pretty cool. Click Here
  9. We went out last Saturday as well. Got on the water about 7:00 pm. Fished a main lake point with an offshore ledge and brushpiles caught several working jigs over the ledge. Once it got dark we couldn't buy a bite. Went back to the first point and nothing, then fished a bluff bank nothing. Finally at about midnight we went to a deep main lake point. Had the boat sitting in about 50 feet of water casting to the bank. Caught three in 15 minutes on texas rigged creature bait and worm. That was it, slow night, but we still did better than the weekend before (camped and launched out of Cedar Ridge - two in two days, ugh)
  10. We had some really good luck last two weekends on Green Pumpkin jigs and soft plastic craws. It seemed like the bites were a lot softer than two weekends ago. Had several that just picked the jig up and ran with it. Two weekends ago they slammed almost everything I threw.
  11. I don't know about others here but my wife complains if we don't do some kind of fishing at least every other weekend. She's a trooper. I must have gotten lucky.
  12. I believe that the 245 bridge was closed last year.
  13. Already posted in the What's Frozen? thread but thought I would toss the pics up here as well. Yesterday 24th.
  14. Went out yesterday for a couple of hours. At least the ice was already broken. Old State Park Heading Back New State Park Caught one short LM on deep suspending Jerkbait over 35 ft on a steep bank. We saw a couple of guys coming back in who were crappie fishing, they said that they caught one in 63 ft of water.
  15. The wife and I went out yesterday from Old State Park. From 215, Turkey and Maze Creeks were frozen as far as you could see, but the main lake was clear and as smooth as I've seen it in months. Old State Park and Hawker Point boat ramps were clear. Surface temps were around 37 at the ramp. Fishing was darn slow.
  16. Cedar Ridge has been like that since about November, if I remember correctly.
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