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Everything posted by jamesedward

  1. Put my Ranger in at state park Marina this am at 8 am thinking not everyone and there brother wouldn't be on the tire bed fishing for crappie but I was wrong. There was 12 boats with in a 75 yard radius. Water temps was 39.6 and fishing was SLOW....Left there at 8:45 and drove my gmc to Mutton Creek. Water temps was 44.3 degree there and the dock fishermen and women was catching crappie after crappie after crappie....After I caught several bass on rogues on my favorite hole we ran about 6 miles. We hit 46 degree water temps and still was catching bass on rogues then I was watching a few other boats throwing a crank bait. I looked at my graph and seen the temps was in the 44-46 degree range and thought hummm, isn't it to early to throw the cranker....But we keep throwing the rogue and kept catching fish. We then left power line cove and fished 1 more cove next to Roark west camp ground and fished another cut that I always catch some nice fish in and found a LOT of wind blowing directly on that point and the fish was stacked like cord wood....Guys I'd love to give better detail but I have A LOT of tournaments up there this year starting the 13 of March. If it is this warm here then CC area will be in the upper 40's to LOW 50's this week. I did not throw a dang thing today cept for a mega bass and caught fish all day after I left state park and that really COLD water. Good luck everyone. I hope this report helps you all. Now to just have Stockton rise like Pomm did and fishing will be fantastic this year.
  2. Put in at state park marina and fish with the other 20 boats in the circle and you will have your limit in an hour.
  3. Can anyone please let us know when the nightly tournaments will start up. Like is there gonna be Thursday night tournaments again and if so when will they begin? Is there any other nights there is tournaments on Stockton Lake?
  4. I fished CC area yesterday and I caught bass and crappie and i had 48 degree on my graph. I then went to the state park cove and fished for crappie ( and caught about 50 keepers in 2 hours ) and there water temp in there was 40-41.....Its the same every year as the other poster said it can very well be misleading on water temps up the rivers. One thing for sure is this. You give it 2 more weeks and you wanna catch it, go to CC, Give the lake 3 weeks and the whole dam thing will be on fire.
  5. Whitebasseer the water temps are anywhere between 43-46 already buddy.
  6. You have this type of tournament on this lake you will have your schedule full....I'm meaning there is no way you wouldn't have over 100 boats per day. Also you think you will catch a 10 lber on Truman, TR,Pomm or Lake Ozarks before you catch a 10 lber on Stockton? Not a chance. There are MANY over 10 in Stockton along with 7 lb small mouth. You do this tournament and you will have everyone come out of the wood work to fish and unlike Lake of the Ozark's a small 7 lb fish will not be the big fish. You do this in April after the spawn or in Oct and big bass will be 8 lb every hour and maybe a few over 10 lb....it is about time someone wanted to bring attention to Stockton lake in Missouri. I'm in and I don't give a dam when you have it. But April and Oct or Nov will be best for big hogs and I agree to not do it in march or early April to disrupt the big girls from dropping her eggs. I also wanna add that ALMOST every fish is DONE and OFF the beds in late APRIL....Everyone of you who bed fish should be ashamed to take the big girls off there beds. I can catch a 9 plus pounder EVERY dam day if I wanted to. You just have to know where they are at and I WILL NOT TAKE a big girl OFF her bed for $5,000. That is not right and someday we will STOP tournament fishing in April and I am for it. Late April is fine on Stockton cause 90 % of big girls are off the bed by then anyway
  7. Lets say Best bass fisherman/ crappie fisherman....Will any names be mentioned in both?
  8. This site is new to me but I will ask this again since I do not know if what I asked above will show up. Who in your opinion is the best crappie and bass fisherman on STOCKTON LAKE. This could get interesting but I keep hearing 1 guys name A LOT around fishing stores by guys who fish or used to fish it a lot. What do you think?
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