We live on the upper Gasconade and see very few jet boats most of the year. The water just gets too low. Yesterday we saw 5, as there is good flow. 4 of them went by our canoe at full throttle. Never let off a bit. We didn't swamp but it was really inconsiderate and annoying. One of the guys (with a wife and a couple kids) actually cut the throttle to an idle as he passed us. They got a welcome smile and a thank you from us. I hate to group people, but so few jet boaters seem to have any consideration for those of us under our own power. If you are the guy driving boat number 5...We appreciated you .It gives me hope for the other guys in their 90hp outboards on a small ozark stream. (None of them were fishing). As a side note..as annoying as this was, I think it turned on the fish! The 2 foot waves hitting the bank really muddied things up and i believe it dislodged some insects, crayfish etc. My wife and I both hooked several really nice smallies in the several min after they passed! It had been tough up to that point. I guess it could be said that i'm getting old and enjoy the peace and quiet on the river but no.....I've always been that way. Happy fishing to all. Please catch and release those brown guys.