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About Markhat

  • Birthday 12/23/1957

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  • Location
    Richland and Grain Valley MO
  • Interests
    Being in/on the gasconade. Cycling. Working with wood.

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Chestnut Lamprey

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  1. The Gasconade study is interesting. None over 18+ inches? I spend most of my time fishing between this stretch and the special management area in Pulaski co. My wife and I have caught 10-12 over 18" in the past 2 yrs so they ARE there. Some of them may be the same fish as we are CR but I know for sure the 2 biggest werent due to a scar on one of them. Id love to see a survey of the SMA if they have one. I dont generally fish that far downstream. The habitat a few miles down from the study area isn't that much better so I'd expect similar numbers. That may be different now after the big food? Fishing has been TOUGH just like many have echoed from meramec
  2. This trailer is 23 ft in total length. The narrow support rails are 16 ft. It is suitable for a long kayak or racing scull. Could be converted for jon boat LOZ. $800
  3. I noticed the Hellbenders too and was surprised. My biggest largemouth and crappie of my life were both on a Hellbender in the 1970's. Bass was 8-4 and crappie was 17". Different colors.I still cant beat those!
  4. Good info guys. I am now fairly certain I caught the same fish. I guess I assumed that in all the high water, the bass would roam up or down river from one hole to another. After your stories, and reading some other research, I dont think thats the case.
  5. Last Summer I caught a very nice smallmouth (19 5/8") next to a brush pile in the Gasconade near our house. We've had a LOT of flooding since then. Two of the crests were quite high. The brush pile is gone. Last week I caught a 20 inch fish in the same spot. I've been pondering, could this be the same fish? Has the MDC done any studies on tagged fish to see how much they move/relocate during large floods? I've always assumed that the bass get displaced a bit and like to move during these flood events. Now I'm inclined to believe I caught the same fish that I landed last year. There just aren't that many bass of that size around, and a half inch growth in a yr seems reasonable for a fish of that size. If someone could point me to a study on this I would appreciate it.
  6. I'd be interested to know if any stream teams have done water quality tests above and below this site. Chemistry and inverts? The water quality above this site is usually excellent. BTW some friends of mine reported this 2 yrs ago and it went nowhere. Maybe now that it was on KY3 something will happen
  7. We live on the upper Gasconade and see very few jet boats most of the year. The water just gets too low. Yesterday we saw 5, as there is good flow. 4 of them went by our canoe at full throttle. Never let off a bit. We didn't swamp but it was really inconsiderate and annoying. One of the guys (with a wife and a couple kids) actually cut the throttle to an idle as he passed us. They got a welcome smile and a thank you from us. I hate to group people, but so few jet boaters seem to have any consideration for those of us under our own power. If you are the guy driving boat number 5...We appreciated you .It gives me hope for the other guys in their 90hp outboards on a small ozark stream. (None of them were fishing). As a side note..as annoying as this was, I think it turned on the fish! The 2 foot waves hitting the bank really muddied things up and i believe it dislodged some insects, crayfish etc. My wife and I both hooked several really nice smallies in the several min after they passed! It had been tough up to that point. I guess it could be said that i'm getting old and enjoy the peace and quiet on the river but no.....I've always been that way. Happy fishing to all. Please catch and release those brown guys.
  8. Woodman, I have a cedar strip boat, (yes,you built it) and I have a question that others may have. The fiberglass on the sides of the boat is showing through in places. Its not a functional problem, just visual. I put another coat of poly on it which didnt help. Should I sand it and re-coat with poly? I can certainly live with it but would like to repair if its not too big of a fix. Just need some advice from someone with a lot more knowledge than I. Thanks
  9. Woodman, Still enjoying paddling the brazos river dory you built. Need to replace some of the closed cell foam sheets but having trouble finding it. Any tips where I could find some? A squirrel got in my barn and chewed on it.
  10. Steve, I have a boat you made. The cedar strip river dory. I need to replace some of the foam you had in the bottom. I thought it camre from home depot but they know nothing of it. Any suggestions where I can get it?

    1. woodman


      I have some pieces left....I got that in Lenexa off Craigslist a few years ago..

  11. The camper looks great. Thankful you built boats for so long. Our river dory is a piece of art that we contnue to enjoy and appreciate. Thanks , Mark
  12. New Grass revival- Alison Brown-Sam Bush
  13. The ladies have settled on a place near Mackinac Island in July. I think I will have some options up that way. Appreciate everyones input.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. Last Summer we went North of Traverse City MI. Fished Lake Michigan and a smaller lake nearby. Fishing was OK but its hard to beat the Gasconade. We had a nice trip and caught bass up to 17". Like to cool weather up there and a change of scenery once a yr. I prefer river fishing so will settle on a spot that we can stream fish.
  15. Thinking of taking a Summer smallmouth trip to Minn. or Wisc. A place for the boys to fish where the wives can be entertained too. Any suggestions are appreciated. Hard to get a feel for a place through the web. Mark H
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