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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Fishing with Michael Sun/Mon I lost my Boga grip. I am disabled Vietnam veteran on a fixed income and cannot afford to buy a new one. PLEASE if anyone found one would you email me. Thanks, Russell rwdoughty@msn.com
  2. would like to make a night trip to Taney tonight but am afraid to go alone since my near miss on the 7th. if interested email me at rwdoughty@msn.com
  3. got a bit of vertigo. turned to walk back to the van from the point and lost my balance over backwards. finally turned myself over onto my stomach and was able to hold my face out of the water because of my long arms and the depth of the water. six inches deeper and i would have been gone. every time i would try to step up the gravel bar it would slip out from under my foot. finally i was able to drag myself to firmer ground using my left hand and my rod butt in my right. dry land never felt so good. i keep a change of clothes in the car and was able to resume some semblense of warmth. the moral of the story. don't fish Taney at night by yourself!!!
  4. On Sunday night 10-7-07 I fell in Taneycomo and nearly drowned. It was a close thing!! I had left my leech fly box pocket unzipped and the box floated out. I was too busy trying to save my life to worry about it at the time. I wonder if any Taney anglers may have found it. If so please leave a post on Taneycomo articles and we will arainge to get it to me. Thanks, Russ Doughty
  5. I've been there several times. The last time I called to make reservations I was told it had been sold and was no longer open to the public. ????? The times I was there the fish were suckers for a glo ball, hot pink, marabou leech, and dry flies in some fast below the hatchery chutes. Used to be called Springrise at Westover, but I assume it's the same place.
  6. You've already got 24 hours a day to fish; you're just filling them with a bunch of non-essential crap. My suggestion would be to first quit your job. What better way to say to the material world, "I've got my priorities in order"? Then little by little eliminate other superflous stuff like household chores. No more honey do's for you! After the divorce, you'll find you can do quite well on three hours of sleep a night. After all you no longer need to bother with sex. Then wean yourself from other time consuming habits; eating, drinking (except for beer of course)using the bathroom, laundry (what do you care if your smell could gag a dog off a gut wagon)? Did I mention that you can avoid bathing as well? You're only trying to impress a bunch of smelly fish and fisherman. And finally, give up all the existing friends you have now. They're just a bunch of trout bum wannabes; not the real thing like you are. Oh yeah, avoid Backcountry Outfitters like the plague. If you go in there you'll likely attract the attention of other bums like yourself; me for one, and that just ain't healthy. If you need any further help call me at BR549. You'll have to leave a message cause I'll be out shopping with the wife.
  7. Does anyone know the present conditions of these creeks after all this rain? Last week Swan was high and muddy.
  8. Has anybody taken the temperature of the James near Galena?
  9. Does anyone know how to register on the SWFF website, or at least log on? Thanks
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