You've already got 24 hours a day to fish; you're just filling them with a bunch of non-essential crap. My suggestion would be to first quit your job. What better way to say to the material world, "I've got my priorities in order"? Then little by little eliminate other superflous stuff like household chores. No more honey do's for you! After the divorce, you'll find you can do quite well on three hours of sleep a night. After all you no longer need to bother with sex. Then wean yourself from other time consuming habits; eating, drinking (except for beer of course)using the bathroom, laundry (what do you care if your smell could gag a dog off a gut wagon)? Did I mention that you can avoid bathing as well? You're only trying to impress a bunch of smelly fish and fisherman. And finally, give up all the existing friends you have now. They're just a bunch of trout bum wannabes; not the real thing like you are. Oh yeah, avoid Backcountry Outfitters like the plague. If you go in there you'll likely attract the attention of other bums like yourself; me for one, and that just ain't healthy. If you need any further help call me at BR549. You'll have to leave a message cause I'll be out shopping with the wife.