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flounder pounder

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Everything posted by flounder pounder

  1. I couldn't see the dam pictures either...I would like to see the dam pictures. I just wish google would fetch the dam pictures :0)
  2. I was thinking of heading down to the pothole tonight. I am somewhat new to the area, and wondering which side to fish? Forsyth side or power station side? Any insight would be appreciated. I hear they are catching a few whites. Thanks Jeff
  3. Thank you Bubbas Dad for the info. I may try to scout it out Sunday or Monday.
  4. I have been reading about Beaver Creek here in the OAF forums. I am somewhat new to area, and I am wanting to know how to make to the BC fishing hole. I have googled it on a map and located "Beaver Creek Access" is the the area? 160 to Slough Hollow Rd? I remember one Sunday drive going east on 160 crossing Beaver Creek, was I close? Any info on where to go would be greatly appreciated. I would love to sling some hooks at some white bass. I am not a harvester, I catch and release. Thanks, Jeff
  5. Great fish Dapper Dan!!! I hope I can post a topic titled "My first eye". Jeff
  6. Thanks for info, I will not take a chance. Jeff
  7. I understand Fellows Lake has a restriction on any outboards over 40hp, can you launch a boat with larger outboard if you only use the trolling motor? Thanks in advance, Jeff
  8. Welcome aboard friend! Jeff
  9. Welcome Frank glad you came aboard! Jeff
  10. Thank you Mr. Chance, I do plan on fishing MO. waters. So far I must agree with you, there is plenty of good info here. I have learned quite a bit about the local bodies of water in the short time I have been here.
  11. Welcome aboard friend!! If you have been fishing Stockton for three years, you have three years on me . I think I am going to make Stockton my primary target. I have spent at least 1 hour every evening researching archived posts from Stockton. I feel I know Stockton like the back of my hand (I have never seen it in person). I just finished rigging my boat (hung a new motor on it 1 week before I moved here 6 mos ago). I will soon make a scouting trip (w/o boat) just to get a feel of the lake. I hear it gets pretty rough and chopped up when the wind is over 20mph. Well I wish you luck friend and hope to see ya out on the water soon. Jeff
  12. Thanks for the report. Now I am itching more. I am putting the finishing touches on my boat, I will soon have to scratch the itch.
  13. Chris, Good to hear people use the green lights here. I just moved here from gulf coast, I unloaded all my saltwater tackle. For some reason I kept my green light. I used to make the 48" lights for local tackle shop (never made any money, just a lot of friends). I love fishing at night with the green light, and look forward to giving it a try at Stockton. How do you fish yours, are you submerging it parallel to water or perpendicular? I designed my light wo it would essentially bob like an indicator perpendicular to the water. Anyway looking forward to hearing about more fyour "green light" outings. Jeff
  14. Jason, I never thought of chasing redfish with a fly rod. Fly fishing for redfish just began getting popular within last 2 years back home. Who knows if I master it here, i may give it a try when I visit family.
  15. From one Newbie to another, welcome to the club!!
  16. Sapp Isent you his name and # via PM. Check your private messages Jeff
  17. Sapp, I too am new to this forum, I saw your post regarding float tubes, while searching for some fresh water tackle, I located a guy who has 3 of these tubes, he was aking $25.00 for all 3. 2 were made by Browning and I do not recall what brand the third one was. I still have his name and # if this is something you may be interested in. The tubes are down in Springfield. The were available last week, he was not advertising them. Let me know if you ae interested i will forward you his contact info. Jeff
  18. Well I just moved here from the Gulf Coast. Hardest thing about the move was parting with all my salt water gear and tackle. I have made several trips to BPS and slowly I am building up my arsenal. I have been doing a lot of research online (that's how I found you guys) looks like Stockton is getting a pretty good rap. I think I will make my maiden voyage to Stockton. I plan on pursuing Crappie, Whites, and Walleye. I have not fresh water fished in over 25 years. On days I leave my boat behind, I will try bank fishing at the "pothole" in Forsyth. I have also purchased a few fly rods and reels after spending Thanksgiving Day near the hatchery on Taney Como, I think I may enjoy fly fishing. Well hope to see ya guys on the water tight lines to all!!! Jeff
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