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Everything posted by ttwoods

  1. You'll get scenery alright. Rent a "girls gone wild" video and you can get a taste of the party crowd on that stretch of the river through the summertime. It makes me sick. I floated that stretch last summer and I have to say, I will never do it again through the party season. Good Luck!
  2. Not the biggest crappie in the world, but when I saw what it did to the eyes of my 6 year old when he caught him, that made him the most awesome fish I had ever seen!
  3. Hey Everyone, I'm looking to buy a wave runner trailer to convert into a tailer or my 17ft. paddle jon boat. It don't have to be pretty, Im looking for one CHEAP!! Let me know if you got one or know where I can find one. Thanks
  4. When I was a kid me and my dad used to put our jon boat in at some cabins right up from tunnel dam and troll up the lake and fish the river. I want to take a float and take out at Tunnel Dam but that campground and cabins are closed up. I think there was an access on the other side of the lake near the dam but I couldn't find it when I drove down there. Anyone know of an access near tunnel dam and how to get to it. The last time I floated up further it was like being in party cove at the lake, (_)(_) Not the family environment for my kids if you know what Im sayin', anyway, I would appreciate any help I might get! Thanks Guys
  5. Let me know when your ready!!
  6. Let me know. I'm always up for some crappie fishin' especially with a fellow guitar player/song writer. By the way, I am hosting a crappie tournament Saturday March 12th on LOZ. Tell your buddies they can register at www.anglertournaments.com Lookin to have a good time! Where do you sell cars at, I just bought a new truck in Lebanon.
  7. I'm certainly not opposed to doing some bass fishing, I'm just not as knowledgeable about it. I love to go with someone who knows what they are doing though. Let me know!
  8. Hey Guys, Just happened to stumble onto the site. I'm excited! A lot of good information on here! I live in Osage Beach., Mo. The boat is in the dock ready to go. Anyone ever want to we a line and go after some crappie, let me know!
  9. Thanks for the help on the links. I just stumbled onto this site the other day and I think it's going to be a fun place to visit!
  10. Hey Everyone. To launch our new website, http://anglertournaments.com,'>http://anglertournaments.com, we are hosting a crappie open tournament on Lake of the Ozarks on 03/12/11. $50 entry fee, 100% PAYBACK and $500.00 ADDED MONEY!! Visit the site for details and online registration! http://Anglertournaments.com was designed to help tournament organizers gain exposure for their events as well as give them the ability to accept online registration and payment processing for their tournaments, all at no cost! For tournament fishermen, sign up to recieve email notification EVERY TIME a new tournament is listed by the criteria you specify! Find a tournament to fish, register and pay through PayPal's secure online payment processing and GET TO FISHIN!! Check out the site and let me know what you think. Anyone hosting a tournament, list it on the site, it is totally free. I'll try to help you add a few boats and get the word out! My number and cantact info is on the site. If you have any questions, let me know, or post em on here. I just found this site and will be on here daily! http://anglertournaments.com GOOD LUCK FISHIN'
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