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Clayton Will

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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. Salted Chubs/Shiners for Catfish
  2. They will hit very aggressively right up to spawn and then again a couple weeks after. They don't all spawn at the same time so that doesn't mean some can't be caught. It may be a larger percentage of males during the spawn.
  3. Catfish are under the trees, live or dead. A friend of mine wins contests hopping from proven holes under trees and dead fall snag piles. Heavy line and gear with lots of power used getting them out quick.
  4. How to make coat hanger bait threader. Here's how I make the Bait Threader from a coat hanger. Works on whole or cut bait, fresh or saltwater.
  5. Size your hook to the amount of Hot Dog or cut bait you want to use. It works with straight, treble or circle hooks. I even like a wide gap 2/0 heavy bass hook. Lots of room for the bait and still get a hook up. Best Catfish hooks are 2/0 Gama Circle Red, Owner Mutu (make sure they are heavy, not light wire) and 7/0 Daiichi Red D84Z. What's your favorites? Friend me on Facebook and Subscribe to my WillCFish channel for more tips.
  6. These are some good tips on panfishing especially for beginners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twy0m_xCLjQ&list=PLri4uR1zah48yvXIBMNQ1xLayxZ-Tti6c
  7. Many times I have been frustrated by surface feeding crappies. What is the solution.
  8. I recently saw a report that there are more kids brought to ER for cigarette burns trying to get the ticks off than there are for problems with a tick bite. Two of the guys went into the woods to get a better look at an Eagles nest and came out with 17 Wood ticks and a Deer Tick, most not attached but I thought I would video this one on my Brother In Law. lol If they have been there a while they will cement themselve to you so pry up from the back end. They will also poop all over which is a good sign you have one in your hair if you see pepper on your fingers. If you heat them they spit their toxin into you and cause more chance of infection.
  9. Just a reminder that the liquid on gulp will ruin carpet.
  10. It's that time of year again so stay safe/
  11. I recently saw a map of all the fatalities on these over the U.S. and it was unbelievable. Tell your friends to stay away.
  12. Here's a video of Muskies spawning in the canals at Okoboji. I missed the roughest part. and look how beat up she is at the end. Interesting how they went in circles head to vent. I'm sure releasing eggs and semen and then it was all over and the big female left. I always thought they swam side by side releasing but this tells me they stir the spawn themselves.
  13. For those of you (like me) who don't care for all the spices people put into batter today.
  14. This is by far the best way to fix trout far as I'm concerned. Good Stuff!
  15. These are my favorite spinning lures for trout.
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