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Everything posted by blacknoseddace

  1. Fly rod is fun too. I like sight fishing in the backs of coves during low water periods. It's a challenge because carp spook easily, but they will eat an artificial fly that is presented softly. It's like fishing for bonefish in the keys, but a lot cheaper.
  2. I have seen the local law check on Crabtree parking lot many times. That is comforting.
  3. Is Crabtree open? Has there been any citations or towings at Stockton COE ramps since this whole government mess started?
  4. the bass are on their summer vacation. I think they went to Branson to take in some shows and visit their cousins on Table Rock.
  5. Is fishing off the docks where boats put in and take out permitted around Corps of engineers launches at Stockton? There are designated fishing docks near by and sometimes in sight of the launches. Just curious.
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