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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by cpriest

  1. thanks leonard, i will be in that area tomorrow morning thats for sure
  2. hey guys, where is the hatchery at? im guessing that is it in the background. i am going to hit up RR tomorrow morning, and ive only fished the area by the very end at an old dam. what were yall using as well? those are some awesome fish! i have never caught anything like that and would like to know atleast a good place to start
  3. thanks jim, i figured there had to be one close. Im planning on being up there sat morning for a few hours in the morning. Im a college student with an over grown beatles hair cut, and probably looking lost! Feel free to say hey, especially if your catching fish!
  4. Hey guys, weather permitting, i want to come up on saturday. Ive been once, and it wasnt a very successful trip, so if anyone wants to show me the ropes or give me any tips on a part of the river to focus on, wadeable or not, i would appreciate it. Also to the RR locals, is there a wal-mart close by that sells fishing licenses? i have a gift card to there that is reserved for an out of state license, thanks!
  5. I know we have been having pretty constant cold nights (low 20s) and was wondering if anyone knew around what temp beaver needs to be to create a shad kill. With all this generating they would definately be distributed into the tailwater, and i would think it would make the fishing really good, even if they are generating
  6. Im not sure what they are priced at, but hands down the best A/T tire is the BFG A/T. Ive had that as well as their mud terrain and couldnt ask for a better tire
  7. i didnt check the posted links, but the AGFC trout pamphlet says...... Length x Girth x Girth / 680 = weight (pg 22 for those who want to look it up!) thats just shy of 18 lbs, nice fish!
  8. ha, just for all of you to know, i was fishing ecce's sowpig that he tied for me, and fishing no more than 15 feet from him, in a hole he told me to stop at... anyways thanks for helping me out with the wind casting and showing me that part of the river
  9. fished the bottom part of the artificial lure section most of the morning with a fellow member (ill let him post his report, if he did catch any after i left!) When i got out there at 8 it was sunny and warm, caught 4 off the bat, including a nice brown, all in a small channel close to the parker bottoms walk in access. Once the weather came charging in, the hits were slow, but consistent, and i managed to bring in 4 more with atleast 4-5 hits that i missed. In all this area is fishing better than any other part of the river i have been to in the past few weeks
  10. thanks for the info steve, this has really been the first time this year that i have faced tough fishing (weather related). i fished with patrick today and he also helped me out with casting into the wind, but it seems like i have a lot to learn about mending. are there any good books/articles that you know of for mending techniques? or is it one of those things that no matter what you read you have to just go out and try it? chase
  11. hey all, i noticed today that my water seems to be tasting a little different than usual, and started thinking maybe the lake is about to turn over. How does this affect the fishing? i have always heard when the lake turns over the striper fishing is prime, but does it help/hurt fishing in the tailwaters? thanks
  12. as far as the casting went, rarely did i even do a false cast. i actualy had some success with roll casting as well. thanks for the idea of adding weight for a drift, i did not try that. my boss loved it, even though the fishing was non existent. i showed him different places to walk in at and i think he took his son today. we might possibly go back in the morning, just waiting to here from him
  13. it was a tough today for me at beaver, and i realized i dont know near enough about fly fishing! there was a strong steady wind blowing upstream, causing the top of the water to flow up stream. this made it beyond impossible to dead drift, which is really the only thing i have ever done for trout. i tried stripping an olive bugger most of the afternoon, with no luck. the wind calmed down about 430 and i drifted a tan scud and hooked 2 but they both fell off. anyone have any recomedations on how to fish with this type of condition, or help with the magical task of stripping in a streamer? thanks
  14. Taking the boss to beaver for the first time tomorrow! and this time i am DEFINATELY going. we are going to leave fay around 1215 and probably park at the last camp site on the main stretch by the dam and fish that barbless area, unless anyone else has a better idea for a first timer to beaver. if you can come im sure we could both use some help! (i hope my boss has waders...?)
  15. no fishing today, have to drive for tulsa for work, ugh. i couldnt log on last night to let you know, not sure if it was the forum or my internet. hopefully ill get out there within a week or two. ive got a new rod and reel that im dying to try on some fish!
  16. ok thanks. i have a few dries that i got in a kit for x-mas, will have to try them out next time. there is is slim chance i might get up to beaver tomorrow morning for a few hours. ill let you know if i am for sure going sometime tonight, if your interested
  17. throwing dries on beaver....cool. Do you fish them differently than the standard nymph under an indicator (dead drift)? I've only used them at Roaring River while sight fishing which is kinda hard, at least for me, on beaver. P.S. sorry i couldnt make it today, i would have much rather been out there than a family brunch!
  18. bad news, had some unexpected plans that i was not told about and cant get out of. i will be going later this week for sure and ill let you know when, sorry!
  19. After opening great presents including tippet, flies, and other fun gadgest i will be hitting up beaver tomorrow if anyone wants to join!
  20. Hey all, Christmas came early this year since my parents are going out of town. I got to open up a new rod and reel. Since my parents don't fish and didn't know what i had they had gotten me a 9' 5#, and i have a 9' 6# so i went and swapped it out with a 8'6" 4# as well as changing the reel for a much lighter reel, the battenkill. This is my second rod and it is amazing! Ive only done a few casts in the yard but hopefully ill take it out this weekend. Thanks for the .02!
  21. i was wondering if anyone used a specific knot for holding the split shot in place. i have heard of just putting it where your tippet meets the leader, but what if you are using a long tippet? also i have heard of a 'figure 8' knot for this. anyone use this? thanks
  22. Thanks for the reply john. i was excited to hear i was getting a new rod, especially since i didnt even ask for one. I will put up a review of it im sure shortly after x-mas
  23. ha, nice. Everyone who didn't go out today (since i only saw 5 others) you were smart! I fished from 7-1145 and caught.....0. I had one hit on a #20 black & copper midge. I used everything in my box today. The conditions were also optimal i thought. Over cast, steady breeze, and 65 degrees in the middle of December. Oh well, this makes up for all the great days i have had in the past (including fishing roaring river yesterday and taney the day before!)
  24. My mom leaked some info to me that santa might be bringing me an Orvis TLS Power Matrix rod and a Rocky Mountain Turbine Large Arbor reel. I haven't heard many reviews on orvis gear, except for their waders (which i have heard are not the best). Does anyone out there know about their rod and reels? Thanks
  25. thats a rare catch for beaver, nice fish
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