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Flatbottom Boy

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Flatbottom Boy

  1. No not a bad thing at all, I love the smallmouth. I'm still learing the ins and outs though and it's been a learnign curve. Hopefully the temps don't screw things up too bad though.
  2. No unfortunately reality has gotten in the way on my end too. All I've been able to do is some smallie fishing in the creeks close to home here. Going up either tomorrow night or the following morning though and I'll let you know.
  3. No problem, heading out tomorrow night after some bucket mouths...I'll try to locate some whites and let ya know.
  4. I can't help you on the whites, but was wondering if you would be willing to share some tactics. I fish that area quite a bit and would like to try to target some whites also. Don't want to steel your spots, just help on finding them is all. Good luck
  5. Went up to the Glaize this afternoon to target some catfish with the jugs. The channels are getting pretty aggressive, not sure if this is normal or not..first year on the lake. I started out with 20 jugs and before I could get 10 of those in I realized I was going to be busy, 4 jugs were already bobbing. Ended up cutting it down to just 10 jugs, and that kept me plenty busy. Brought home 5 eaters and released a bunch ( I don't keep a tally unless there is money involved) When the bite slowed down I threw a 2 inch white grub trying to pick up a couple bonus crappie, ended up catching more catfish. No luck with the Blues, I tried drifting for them with cut bait and smaller live sunfish. Anyone have a pointers for me on these? Are they all the way down on the bottom when you drift, or kinda suspended? How deep of water are you fishing? Beautiful night on the lake, good water, good weather, and only a few jet skis. All fish were caught on cut bait (sunfish)...oh and a white grub. Good luck to all, see you on the water.
  6. I'm in Waynesville near base. I've done a little driving around and trying to scout some areas, but I'm gonna be hitting it pretty hard here in the near future now that I've added a small boat to my inventory. Where are you from, and what kind of fishing do you do around here?
  7. I'm in the Waynesville area right now, but driving a couple hours for some fun is never a problem for me. Where do you guide from up in AK?
  8. Trout Commander, I tried some of everything. I fished the interior for trout and grayling on the fly to the Kenai for Salmon and big rainbows (not real successful on the "big" rainbows). We tried to get out as much as we could for Halibut, but I didn't have the resources to do it on my own so we chartered a half dozen times. I learned alot and had some of the best times, but I was looking forward to getting closer to home and fishing/hunting like I did growing up. I just need to find some duck waters and I'll be set.... The fishing seems to be all around though, I'm lovin it.
  9. Hey all I'm new to the forum and thought I should introduce myself. Just moving down here recently from Alaska and looking forward to do some "normal" fishing again. Not really familiar with the area and the awesome people on the forum up in AK really got me started on the right foot, so I thought I'd better give this one a try too. I look forward to everyone's input and hope that I can return the favor down the road. Take care and God bless.
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