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michigan man

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Everything posted by michigan man

  1. Ah, due east of Toledo... great job walleye4butch!
  2. I rarely post but read here every day. Lived in Springfield for 5 years but moved back to Michigan in 2016. It's been another banner year on the Detroit River and Lake Erie! Wally limits abound and some real pigs are common. Hope you enjoy your trip up here!
  3. Have any pics?
  4. eyeman is right...those Lake Erie 'eyes are hard to beat.
  5. Great post and great comments everyone! Aggressor, are you talking about the Sunset church in Springfield? We are members of the East Grand congregation and know some of the Sunset members.
  6. i don't get to fish much anymore, but enjoy keeping up with Stockton reports - especially walleye info. I read the posts everyday here and look forward to all you regulars who post often - including SRJ. So sorry to hear of this news; he will be greatly missed. Condolences to his family, and to all of you who knew him...
  7. Second pic looks like an intentional knife wound to me too. If so, that's despicable. I wouldn't even do that to a trash fish.
  8. Carp love mulberries too. Find a mulberry tree overhanging the water in midsummer when the ripe berries are falling in the water, and you'll find lots of carp feeding on them. Caught many by using the berries as bait on a single hook under a bobber set 12-24 inches deep.
  9. Haven't seen much here about walleye lately. Shouldn't they be spawning? Anyone catching any? If so, where and with what? Went to Fellow Lake yesterday looking for walleye and didn't get a bite. The fishingnotes report says the spawn is in full swing there. I think they're all on the dam in the rip-rap, and the dam at Fellows is off limits.
  10. That guy would never make it on a Lake Erie walleye trip.
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